

1. XXX is a global, non profit organization aiming at improving the entrepreneurial ability.
2. XXX has created a forum for informal communication among businessmen.
3. Respect for the religious, moral and political differences.
4. Conscientious in the performance of its duties with its own ideology system guding action.
5.XXX tries best to achieve its stated goals with practical acts and abides by its own value system.
6. Be of increasing importance in the world economic activity, especially among the WTO and other multilateral international organizations.
7. Guidance of a new research project in Asia cooperating with other research teams from RIIA.
8. Sucessful experience in related fileds plus skillful management.
9. Priority to the one with good command of Mandarin or in close touch with the relevant institutions in China.
10. Ffieldwork may be carried out in China while the focus of the work is to promote cooperation between CIS, RIIA and the Chinese organizations.
11. One year of office term from Oct. 2002 to Oct. 2003, annual salary of 30000-40000 USD.
第1个回答  2011-04-05
1. XXX is a global and nonprofit institutions, aims to promote entrepreneurs capability is improved.

2. XXX created a entrepreneurs informal exchange of ideas BBS.

3. Respect religious, ethical and political differences

4. Earnestly perform their duties and formed its own theme thought system in order to guide action.

5. XXX efforts to their words to achieve their goals, and abide by their own value system.

6. The world economic activity in China increasingly important role, especially in the world trade organization and other international multilateral organizations in the role.

7. Guiding a new Asia research projects and other research cooperation projects RIIA development the project.

8. Have relevant successful experience in the research field and can have management skills.

9. Understand mandarin is preferred, and relevant Chinese institutions have a solid contact are preferred.

10. Estimates this post will involve on-site work in China, the key is to promote RIIA CIS, effective cooperation with Chinese institutions.

11. Its tenure for one year, October 2002 to October 2003. - $40,000 to $30,000 annual salary.
第2个回答  2011-04-05
我只会一个 哈哈 太专业的话了 不太懂
xxxis an international and non-profit institution,aiming at improving the entrepreneurs' ability
第3个回答  2011-04-05
1. XXX is a global and nonprofit institutions, aims to promote entrepreneurs capability is improved.
2. XXX created a entrepreneurs informal exchange of ideas BBS.
3. Respect religious, ethical and political differences
4. Earnestly perform their duties and formed its own theme thought system in order to guide action.
5. XXX efforts to their words to achieve their goals, and abide by their own value system.
6. The world economic activity in China increasingly important role, especially in the world trade organization and other international multilateral organizations in the role.
7. Guiding a new Asia research projects and other research cooperation projects RIIA development the project.
8. Have relevant successful experience in the research field and can have management skills.
9. Understand mandarin is preferred, and relevant Chinese institutions have a solid contact are preferred.
10. Estimates this post will involve on-site work in China, the key is to promote RIIA CIS, effective cooperation with Chinese institutions.
11. Its tenure for one year, October 2002 to October 2003. - $40,000 to $30,000 annual salary.
