急求英语作文Internet changes the lfie


Nowadays, our country is developing rapidly. With the development of science and technology there are many inventions are convenient to our daily life. Such as: telephone ,TV and computer especially the Internet.
The Internet is prevalent. We can send email and do some shopping as well as pay bills on the internet. In my eyes, the Internet is the greatest human inventions in the past one hundred years .This is partly because I can get the information I need via search engines ,such as Google and Yahoo ,in no time and partly because I can stay touch with my friends by email over the Internet .I can’t imagine life without the Internet.
With the development of science, our life has become more and more comfortable and convenient than ever before. Frankly speaking, human being is really wise.
因特网无处不在。我们能够发邮件还有网购还能网上支付。在我看来,因特网是人类一百年来最出色的发明。这一部分原因是我能够透过GOOGLE 和YAHOO等搜索引擎来很快的找到我要的资讯。而另外一个原因是我也可以利用电子邮件,透过网路来和我的朋友保持联系。我无法想象人类如果没有了因特网。

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第1个回答  2011-03-29
Internet changes the life2011-03-27 13:24In the recent years, the use of the Internet is becoming wider and wider. While we used to write to our family and friends, we may choose to send an email or messages today. In many fields the Internet are made use of, such as teaching through long distance, talking on scientific problems, spreading important news and working at home. On the other hand some people make crime on it.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Internet is in our lives that it’s making big differences to our daily life. Apparently we communicate easier, faster and more comfortable. As some people said “our earth turns out to be smaller”, we each are closer. Another change is that we work more effectively. In the past, we always do our job form the dawn to night to earn 10 dollars or less. Using the Internet we usually make 100 dollars or more in eight hours. Generally speaking the Internet has us live in life we dream. But it still has its disadvantages, such as some men take advantages of the web to spread bad news on mind.

As far as I am concerned, Internet mostly changes the life. It improves many terms in our lives, including even where to buy. It helps the science, math and other subjects to go ahead, which somehow helps us. In another direction, the Internet widens our eyes and our heart. If we could control a town before, we can own a continent now. Every subject has two sides. The Internet makes crime more so that harms people’s lives. But it is just a matter of us. That the Internet changes the life is quite right.
第2个回答  2011-04-10
再借用一下作文啊。。。南大 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 今天是最后一天 无奈。。。
第3个回答  2011-04-09