




Which one is more important, IQ or EQ?






    more important



~ (to sb) having a great effect on people or things; of great value



Listening is an important part of the job.

a measurement of a person's intelligence that is calculated from the results of special tests (abbreviation for 'intelligence quotient' )

智商(全写为intelligence quotient)


He possesses an IQ of only 77.
他的智商只有 77。


a measure of a person's interpersonal and communication skills (abbreviation for 'emotional quotient')

情商(全写为emotional quotient)


Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.  

第1个回答  2017-08-16



Which is important, IQ or EQ?


智商IQ; intelligence quotient

情商emotion quotient (EQ)

Which哪个; 哪一个; 哪一些; 那,指前面提到的事物

important重要的; 权威的; 有势力的; 有地位的


It is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted. 


Which do they want me to do? declare war or surrender? 


第2个回答  2011-03-31
While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) defines how smart you are, EQ (Emotional Quotient) defines how well you use what smarts you have. Peter Salovey, Yale psychologist and author of the term EQ, states that IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted. He also suggests that it's important to redefine, in our complex world, what it means to be smart. In short, when it comes to "predicting future successes," brainpower, as measured by IQ and standardized achievement tests, may actually matter less than the character, or EQ of an individual.

Salovey tells of a simple test where four year olds are invited into a room and are given the following instruction: "You can have this marshmallow right now; or if you wait, you can have two marshmallows when I get back." Then, the researcher leaves. Some kids grab for the treat the second he's out the door, while others wait for the researcher to return. The results are recorded and Science waits for the kids to grow up. By the time the kids reach high school, significant differences appear between the two groups. The kids who held out for two marshmallows were better adjusted, more popular, more adventurous, more confident, and more dependable than kids in the quick gratification group. The latter group was also more likely to be lonely, more easily frustrated, more stubborn, more likely to buckle under stress, and more likely to shy away from challenges. When both groups took scholastic aptitude tests, the "hold out group" walloped the "quick gratification group by 210 points (the test scores range from a minimum of 200 points to a maximum of 800, with an average for all students of 500 points).

Did you ever wonder what happened to the smartest kid in the class who didn't end up being successful, or why some of your friends survive the greatest trauma while others crumble over minor issues? Perhaps it is because of differences in a person's EQ. EQ is not the opposite of IQ, and indeed it is hoped that people have generous quantities of both. But, there is little doubt that people without sufficient EQ will have a hard time surviving in life.

For five generations researchers have been discussing whether it's possible to raise a person's IQ. Geneticists say No, while social scientists say Yes. But while brain power researchers continue the debate, social science researchers have concluded that it's possible to improve a person's EQ, and in particular, a person's "people skills," such as empathy, graciousness, and the ability to "read" a social situation. Social scientists continually cite situations where experiences have modified a person's EQ. For example, educational researchers indicate that when normal students are introduced to disabled peers, those in the former group dramatically improve their ability to become empathetic and gracious. Additionally, the introduction of behaviourally disturbed students in a class of normal aged peers increases the ability of the latter group to learn to "read" social situations. A more profound improvement is frequently noted in the behaviourally disturbed student as well.

Social scientists conclude that EQ is perhaps best observed in people described as either pessimists or optimists. Optimists have high EQ and treat obstacles as minor, while the pessimistic low-EQ group personalizes all setbacks. In social research circles, high EQ denotes one's ability to survive, and it's here that there may be an overlap between EQ, IQ, genetics and environment. In this regard, I am reminded of the words of Darwin, "The biggest, the smartest, and the strongest are not the survivors. Rather, the survivors are the most adaptable." Those of us who survive and thrive in this complex world are not only the most adaptable, but also the most optimistic and the most likely to have a high EQ.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2017-07-24
Which one should be more important, EQ or IQ?
Emotional intelligencequotient is EQ. 1995 Harvard University professor of psychology , specificallythe New York Times Column writer Daniel Goleman first time argued that "emotional intelligence" . He defined “emotional intelligence”as:the mostimportant ability of individuals to survive , is one of a potential emotions toexplore and the use of the emotional ability to impact the various layers oflife Surface and the quality factors of future life . However ,Intelligencequotient is IQ.The intelligence mainly depends on innate gene. " emotionalintelligence" can develop through the days of strict requirements andscientific training .It formed in infancy , maturity in children andadolescents Stage.
Psychologists have said:" Emotional Intelligence " is a insight into the value of life ,reveals the understanding of life goals , is one of skills to overcome innerconflicts and coordinating interpersonal relationship , is wisdom of a controlperson . It can be Correct understandingof our true feelings , sensibly overcome impulsive, delay gratification ;sincerely understanding of the society and others ; eternally self-encouragement , motivation in life .
" EmotionalIntelligence " These rich content in stark contrast to the results of"IQ" that achieved by the test score . American psychologistwho trace95 Students whose family background survive better and in 1940entered Harvard University , from them found wages, jobs , productivity levelsand other factors to examine , students who got the best grades in school wasnot appear to his work just fine , , the satisfaction of life , relationships ,family, love is not the highest. Other psychologist do the same track on 450boys who survive on the poor background , there are 13 people whose IQ below 90. The study found the level of intelligence has no direct relationship withtheir achievement in middle age . in 450 people , people whose IQ low 80, morethan 10 years of unemployment is 7 %, and people whose IQ over 100 more than 10years of unemployment is the same 7%. This figure is the presence of emotionalintelligence provides important evidence. Therefore , psychologists say thatman 's success depends primarily on emotional intelligence rather than IQ. IQ innatefactors account for the main component , and EQ as a deep affection ability ,can be acquired by learning.
Success factors in people,IQ of only 20 %.And 80% for other factors ,EQ which accounts for about60%.So,EQ is more important than IQ.
第4个回答  2017-07-12
Which is more important between IQ and EQ?