
1.“我的家里有一部电话,它的颜色是白色的,它很漂亮,但是我不喜欢它。”可不可以翻译成“I have a telephone in my house,It's colour is white and bule,looks very beautiful,but I don’t like it.”?
3.“它总是会铃铃响起来。”可不可以翻译成“It always ring and ring.”?
5.“电话总是给我传递来像这样的坏消息。这让我的心情很糟,我很想哭!所以,我讨厌电话。”可不可以翻译成“The telephone always deliver for me very bad information like that.It makes my frame of mind very bad!I want to cry!so,I don’t like telephone.”?

1. "I have a home phone, its color is white, it is very beautiful, However, I do not like it. "Can translated into" I have a telephone in my hous e, It 's color is white and bule. looks very beautiful. but I do 't like it. "?
2. "Whenever I prepare everything Jubilant prepared to attend the meeting to set out the "how translation?
3. "It will always Lingling sounded. "Can translated into" It always ring and Guérin g. "?
4. "I took the call, then phones here to take care of people say : 'Xiaofei, you to the other. I have other things. Sorry! The next time again about it ' "how translation!

5. "I always phone to transfer like this bad news. Let me feeling terrible, I am someone! Therefore, I hate the telephone. "
第1个回答  2007-04-20
1,我的家里有一部电话,它的颜色是白色的,它很漂亮,但是我不喜欢它。“There is a telephone in my house,Its colour is white and bule.It looks very beautiful,but I don’t like it.”
第2个回答  2007-04-22
就拿第一句说哈,首先还是确定主语是”我”,那么围绕”我”写一个复合句,当表示:我有什么什么东西的时候,一般用there be句型,There is a telephone that is beautiful in my house with white and bule,but i don't like it.
第3个回答  2007-04-20
第一个不行,应该说“its color is”。