Digestion is completed, cooling, slowly deflated, remove the digestion tank, electric panel to 160 ℃ completely catch acid. Ultra-pure water to digestion with the amount of liquid volume to 100mL, the constant volume liquid directly for Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe determination; constant volume liquid added to a concentration of 0.5% lanthanum chloride, the dilution of 10 times for Ca and Determination of Mg; constant volume to a concentration of cesium chloride solution by adding 0.2%, diluted 100 times for K determination. Instrument conditions in Table 2.
Table 2 Determination of condition of apparatus
2.2.2 Calibration Curve
Imbibe a certain amount of Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ca, K, Mg metal elements of 7 standard solution, diluted with ultra pure water in proportion to the work of a different solution, according to Table 2 Determination of the working conditions of selected absorption absorbance and the concentration degree and obtained a linear relationship between back
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Experimental results
3.1.1 two kinds of re-building of 7 herbs Determination of Metal Elements
Were taken two kinds of re-building herbs digestion solution of 5 copies of the instrument in accordance with 2.2.1 working conditions under which the seven kinds of metal elements
Were measured to calculate 5 were parallel to the sample liquid metals, on average, measured results in Table 4. Table 4 shows, yunnanensis and Chinese herbs in the re-building are different metals. One yunnanensis macro elements in Radix Ca, Mg, K were higher than re-building of China; and China in addition to re-floor yunnanensis Cu content slightly lower than outside the building, and other trace elements Fe, Zn, Mn levels were than yunnanensis. For macro elements, the yunnanensis Radix Ca> K> Mg, the re-building in China K> Ca> Mg; for trace elements, the two kinds of medicinal herbs in the composition of the metal content of the elements were Fe> Zn> Mn> Cu.
3.1.2 Determination of recoveries
To examine the reliability of the method, the tested samples were added to a certain amount of Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn reference materials for recycling experiments, the recovery of the elements measured results in Table 5. Yunnanensis and China re-building the elements of the recovery between 92.1% -107.5%, relative standard deviation (RSD) less than 3%, indicating that this Act stable, reliable, and can be used to re-floor, the determination of metal elements in medicine.
3.2 Discussion
Determination of metal elements, the precision and accuracy to a large extent depends on the sample processing, sample processing is to analyze the key to determine the accuracy of the results of [11]. In this study, the measured results with the published literature [6-8] compared with the measured results, yunnanensis content of each metal elements are close to or exceed the measured results have been reported [6,7] (such as the experimentally measured Fe content was 1112.7μg / g, and the determination of such results Qiang 318.1μg / g), in particular, is significantly higher than those using conventional sample dissolution method measure the results of [6] (such as the experimentally measured Ca content 11351.1μg / g, and the determination of such results Qiang 5124μg / g), which may be due to sample treatment by microwave digestion method to further improve the extraction efficiency, reduce sample loss reasons. And Yu and Zhang [8] using wet nitric acid - hydrogen peroxide digested samples were compared with the measured results, Mg, Mn, slightly lower than the measured results reported in this paper, the existence of this difference is due to a difference samples, differences in sample handling or the result, the system still needs further study.