关于 你是怎样对待广告的 英语作文

赞成60% 广告作用大,有助于人们了解各种产品
反对30% 虚假广告误导消费
正确对待10% 慎重对待 学会分析

写一篇120词左右的 关于 你是怎样对待广告的 英语作文

第1个回答  2011-05-19
I think every coin has two sides.So advertisements have both merits and disadvantages.From a study,60% people said that advertisements were so useful and helpful that they could know many different kinds of products.Though many people always support it ,30%people said they were dishonest ,we couldn't trust it any more.But if you can have a right attitude to handle this,you will never lose in it.In my eyes,advertisements have two sides.the most important thing is how you handle it.