

Students interested in sports is a priority and strive to understand and the psychological tendency to engage in sports activities, capacity development is the starting point for students and individual basis. Enhance the interest training for middle school students, and actively guide students to participate in sports activities is related to the healthy development of students and quality education and comprehensively promote the event, is of great practical significance.
In this paper, literature, questionnaires, statistics, logical analysis and other research methods to students for the survey of Lijiang City, Lijiang City middle school students on the impact of the main factors of interest were investigated and analyzed, the conclusion follows.
1. Lijiang City, five secondary schools, most students interested in sports, most students have a more positive, clear and sports motivation, students participate in sports activities, interest and motivation and is closely related to their own needs, but there are still considerable percentage of students lack a correct understanding of sports and not interested in sports has a one-sided error motivation.
2. Lijiang City every five high school students more time to participate in sports activities in 25 minutes or less, usually 2 times a week, in time to participate in sports and frequency, the city's three secondary school is higher than mountains, which mainly due to high altitude climate factors.
3. Lijiang City, five high school students in the college entrance examination under the influence of pressure on the students interest in sports with the growth of declining grades, exam-oriented education is the formation of the source of the problem, impart knowledge and educate the school had to abandon the normal physical education program .
4. Teachers of professional quality and attitude of students interested in sports is also one of the factors, including physical education teachers and the impact of non-physical education teachers, physical education teacher factors are not high level of business, scientific teaching methods, teachers, and strong sense of responsibility factors; factors of non-PE teachers do not support or oppose the students to participate in sports activities, students participate in sports activities of the initiative.
5. The school's sports facilities are five high school students participate in physical activities of choice, followed by public sports facilities nearby residence, but the lack of venues and equipment, outdated facilities, lack of venue management.
Key words: Lijiang City; students; sports interest; investigation