谁能完整的帮我翻译一下 对我很重要 跪求

Broken hearts are excruciatingly painful. How can this be good for you? Something bad happened to you doesn't mean you'll get stronger automatically. It only works for you if you treat yourself properly after the injury. If your pain is recent, this might be hard to swallow, but to make you ready for something, the world is working for you.

What is this key? The first thing to know is that you cannot deny your desires, pretend they don't exist, push them down. What then, what can you do next? I like what someone said about taking the time to sit with it without judgment. Negative emotions loses its energy when sit with it, just be with it without engaging in the game of self-criticism. If you have anger, just BE ANGER. A lot of hurtful stuff happens because it's controlled, bottled up, and then explodes.

And the other thing is "letting go" Emotions are there, simply to be felt. You can't block them off, just feel them completely, welcome them, without acting on them. Slowly, you begin to free yourself from your prison, and let the pain go.

Be aware through, that this isn't really a quick fix in terms of a few days, the more realistic timeline the more noticeable progress.

第1个回答  2011-05-31




