


On an ordinary weekend, the sky was as clear as a wash, showing an intoxicating "Yancheng blue". After the cram school, I was told by my mother to buy a handful of stars in the flower shop and put them in a vase at home.


I came to the flower shop that my family often patronized. Unfortunately, the owner had something to do, so I had to look for another flower shop. With plenty of time, I walked through the streets and finally found the flower shop called "Conglong" in a small alley.


The name of the shop was very unique. I asked the shopkeeper if it came from: "it depends on the copper basin to repair the stone supply, and the jade color of the stone is set by itself." the shopkeeper, a tall and thin boy, just smiled and didn't give a clear answer.


第1个回答  2015-06-16
How do you judge a person the first time you meet him/her?If I meet a person ,first and foremost,his appearance is important to consider.After all,a beauty appearance can leave people a good first impression.I judge people by the way he or she dresses or their facial expression.I feel good with people who dress clean and also have a polite manner,and most importantly a big smile.Secondly,his behaviou is also a important feature,what’s more his handshake,the manner of speakin.last but not the least,his geducation and his attitude .本回答被网友采纳