写英语作文 (例如;公司给工作人员发电子邮件)


How to Send an E-mail?
When you want to write an e-mail to someone, the most important thing you should do is send an e-mail. Now I am going to tell you how to send it. You just do as following steps:
1.Turn on the computer and connect to the Internet.
2. Choose the e-mail botton. Sometimes you can see a picture of an envelope or a letter, please click on it. You'll find some pictures and words, it's the e-mail "menu".
3. Click on "compose/send".
4. Click on "to", then type the address of the person you want him or her to recieve an e-mail.
3.Click on"subject".Type a few words to discribe your message.
4.Click on"message".It's a big and empty box.You can type what you want to see.
5.Click on"send".Congratulations! Your message will be sent to the person you adress.追问






第1个回答  2016-11-17
1. 千万别写 calm down/be patient 一类的
2. 邮件里提到第三者的时候 不明确性别的情况下都直接写名吧 或者一个职位代称
3.时差要注意 跟人家约定时间要写人家的时区
4.要cc第三者的时候最好在邮件里提及 不是每个人都愿意你们的对话被第三方看到