水是怎样循环的 用英语 一片小作文 不要太长了,拜托了哥哥姐姐们!

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Water Cycle.
Water starts in its liquid form, which is water as everyone known already. When water in lakes, oceans is heated up it turns into water vapours. Water vapours cool down and form clouds in the sky. Clouds has too many vapours in it and cannot hold any more, it rains. The water goes back into lakes and oceans when it rains. And the water is ready for another travel
第1个回答  2011-01-04
First water evaporates or and turns the liquid into gas (water vapor)and forms as clouds in the sky. then after a while the water vapor condenses and turns back to a liquid causing perspiration. When the water falls on the ground it either turns into run-off or Ground water. Run-off are rivers, and ground water is the water collecting underground and then traveling to a lake or pond. Then the water evaporates from the lake and the cycle starts over again.