
Writing a Letter of job Recommendation
Instructuins:janet Doe and the writer are working for the same hotel.janet is looking for a job and asks the weiter to write a letter of job recommendation for her.Since she has a positive work relationship with the writer agrees to write.Now write a letter of job recommendation with the help of the following prompts
Writer:Joe Smith,Regional Property Manager
Janet Doe:a Resident Manager
Responsibilities:leasing,inspecting apartments,hiring maintenance staff,taking tenants complaints,making sure common areas look presentable,and keeping track of the property budget
How Janet Doe helped the company:turned the bankrupt property into a profitable one
Her Relationship with Colleagues:ready to offer help
Her Personalities:well organized,diligent in paperwork,easily reachable,and always on time

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter on behalf of my colleague Janet Doe. I promise to be truthful about her information. Janet Doe works as a resident manager in our company. She is responsible for leasing, inspecting apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants complaints, making sure common areas look presentable, and keeping track of the property budget. She is very helpful as a colleague and as a friend. Whenever somebody requires something done she always offers her hand. She helped our company significantly when she was hired. She turned the bankrupt hotel into a profitable one. She is also well organized, every time I'm in her office papers are neatly filed. She's a hard worker, I've never seen her late during the time we worked together. Always being on time and also easily reachable. Phone calls are always picked up even during weekends. She would make a worthy addition to your company.

Best Regards,
Joe Smith

第1个回答  2010-12-28
第2个回答  2010-12-28
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