

T : Hi yangxue ,I heard that you are going to studying abroad ,it's a new experience ,which can bring you opportunity to discover fascinating things and a feeling of freedom.
Y : Oh,yeah! in spite of this advantages, however there are also
some challenges I will encounter. Culture shock will be the first one.
T: yeah, I have watched several movies about western lifestyles and
cultures, and really find an immense difference.
Y: Yeah, the difference is almost everywhere. As far as the
table culture, there is no doubt it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese. But people in America prefer to forks and knives.
T: The different tools are based on different food they like.
Fried food and fast food are Americans‟ favorite while Chinese people choose noodles, pancakes and rice.
Y: Yes, besides, have you noticed that when we have meals
with our families or good friends, we usually get some delicious food for each other to show our care. But the western style of eating seems to be more hygienic. Nobody uses his own fork to get food for others.
T:Yeah, quite so. This is only table manners. I also know that greeting is different. In China, when I meet you in the street, I may greet you by saying “Have you eaten yet?” And what will be your reflect?
Y: Oh, I will feel normal. Pretty normal greeting words.
T:But if you greet a foreigner with these words. They will believe that you want to invite him to a meal. Y: Really? Too interesting.
T:So it‟s easy to lead to misunderstanding because of different cultures. Of course, the situations are more serious if you greet someone in western countries by saying “What are you going to do?” “Where have you been?” etc. Because they think you have infringed their privacy. Thus,you can imagine their greetings, they usually greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isn‟t it? ”
Y: But don‟t you feel these are too formulaic or unnecessary? T:Yes, but that‟s only our thinking.
Y: Just now, you referred to personal affairs ,there is also many different opinions here. For example, we do not regard it as asking personal affairs when they ask others name、year、marital status、wages、personal life、belief and political points. T:Yes, we regard it as concerns.
Y: But the westerns will think you infringe their right of privacy. So when we talk to the westerns, we must avoid asking some
questions like this:“ How old are you?”、“Are you married?”、“How many children do you have?”、“How much do you make?”、“What‟s your weight?”、“Do you go to the church?” T:So many details need to notice. We have talked so much, but it only covers several small aspects in life. I even feel the way of life in America is completely different from mine. I think I will be mad
facing all these. Now that you will go there. Have you consider how
to adjust yourself to adapt their cultures?
Y: In fact, I have considered the problem for long time. At least four essential stages of adjustment occur during culture shock to new arrivals. I will keep positive to overcome these. As we know , Americans are slaves to nothing but clocks ,they work hard at the task of saving time . I must get rid of the habit of delaying time to keep pace with them. It‟s huge project.
T:Yeah, yeah. You should establish a right attitude toward culture differences, to be open-minded to them. After all, attitude can decide one‟s feeling and behaving. However, these seem not to be enough. Y: That‟s true. I also need to learn about their cultural background before I go. And I have read some books and gradually accept their ways of life. Next, I am going to read their newspapers and magazines and some literature works to learn the country deeply. T:Yeah, your decision is right and it will benefit you. You would
learn so much and you will respect their culture from your deep heart. Thus, you can adapt to the life there more quickly and suffer from little culture shock.
Y: I think so too. At least, I can avoid unintentionally offending others and make less jokes.
T:Of course, I believe your ability.
第1个回答  2017-06-04
我可以给你个方向,如body language之类的不同,展开写到手势,如我们常做的ok这个手势,在不同的国家有不同的含义,在日本是钱,在中国是好的,可以 在葡萄牙是一个色情的手势等 你自己展开些吧本回答被网友采纳