help to do和help doing的区别是什么?


首先我们来看下help to do和help doing的大致意思:

help to do:词性为动词短语,help:帮助;to:表示目的;do:做

help doing:词性为动词短语,help:帮助;doing:正在进行

通过下面的表格我们了解下help to do和help doing的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下help to do和help doing的用法区别:

1.语法结构:help to do是及物动词+不定式,而help doing是及物动词+动名词。


- Can you help me to clean the room?

(Can you help me to clean the room?)

- I helped him to find his lost keys.

(I helped him to find his lost keys.)

2.意义差异:help to do表示帮助去做某事,强调动作的完成;help doing表示帮助正在进行的事情,强调动作的进行。


- She helped him to write the report.

(She helped him to write the report.)

- He is helping his sister clean the house.

(He is helping his sister clean the house.)

3.语义重点:help to do强调帮助的对象,即谁去做某事;help doing强调帮助的行为,即在做什么事情。


- They helped him to win the championship.

(They helped him to win the championship.)

- He is helping his friends move to a new apartment.

(He is helping his friends move to a new apartment.)

4.习惯用法:help to do常用于口语及正式文体;help doing常用于口语和非正式文体。


- Can you help me to carry these bags?

(Can you help me to carry these bags?)

- She is helping him organize the party.

(She is helping him organize the party.)

5.时间性:help to do表示帮助在将来完成的动作;help doing表示正在进行的动作。


- He will help her to prepare for the exam tomorrow.

(He will help her to prepare for the exam tomorrow.)

- They are helping each other decorate the Christmas tree.

(They are helping each other decorate the Christmas tree.)

6.语态:help to do可以用于被动语态,形式为help to be done;help doing不可用于被动语态。


- The teacher helped him to be admitted to the university.

(The teacher helped him to be admitted to the university.)

- She is helping her mother clean the house.

(She is helping her mother clean the house.)

第1个回答  2023-08-31
help to do帮助做……,to可省略。help do也是可以的。
help doing不存在,只用于can't/couldn't help doing结构。
can't help doing 禁不住做某事
can't help (to) do不能帮忙做……
She helps (to) clean the room.
I can't help (to) clean the classroom because my teacher tells me to go to her. 我不能帮忙打扫教室,因为老师叫我去找她。
It's so interesting that I can't help reading it over and over again. 它太有趣,我忍不住一遍又一遍地读它。
He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.
