
把学生当成朋友、孩子,装做无意的走进他们,了解他们的内心世界,又要让他们感受到你的威严,不敢造次。胡萝卜加大棒的教育方式似乎只能应用于高年级学生,小孩心理脆弱,批评几句就容易哭,对老师有一种自然崇拜,如果去批评他们可能会降低你在他心中的地位 ,所以作为老师我们应更加温柔,体贴,细致!这是我们必须掌握的技能,这样才能做好一个普通的育人者!

Treating the students as friends, your children,I should enter into their places without disturbing them and try to understand their inner world while letting them feel your authority without being
challenged. Carrot-and-stick teaching approach seems to only be useful for the high school students. Generally speaking, the primiary school students are comparatively weak mentally.Even some
minor scalding will bring their tears. They worship teachers blindly so when you critizise them, that will lower your image in their heart. Therefore, we, as teachers, should be more gentle,careful.considerate. We should try to master this skill so as to be ordinary teachers.
第1个回答  2007-03-09
Students as friends, children pretended they inadvertently entered understand their inner worlds. but also let them feel your authority, not the former. Carrot - and-stick approach seems to be only used higher education students, the children are mentally weak, it is easy to criticize a few tears, a teacher of nature worship, if you will be lowered to criticize them in his mind, Therefore, we as teachers should be more gentle, caring, meticulous! This is a problem we must master the skills, in order to do a good job of educating people as an ordinary person.