

Unit 6
Part Ⅰ

A. Perseverance guidance attendance reliance resistance assistance endurance insurance
1. endurance 2. assistance 3. reliance 4. insurance 5. resistance
6. attendance 7. perseverance 8. guidance

B. inappropriate inflexible incompetent invisible incurable inattentive inactive insignificant
1. invisible 2. incompetent 3. inactive 4. insignificant 5. incurable 6. inflexible
7. inattentive 8. inappropriate

1. be qualified for 2. keep on doing sth. 3. to sb’s shock and amazement
4. and even more important 5. cope with 6. a variety of 7. miss out
8. dwell on 9. out of sb’s control 10. apply for
11. be involved in extracurricular activities 12. keep sth. in mind 13. burn one’s bridges
14. feel upset for a bit 15. get back 16. reflect on 17. fill out applications
18. look to (sb/sth) for (sth)

1-5 F J D A K 6-10 G L C H B 11-17 E I Q O P N M

1-8 G C E F D B H A
9. set about 10. set off 11. set back 12. set up 13. set out 14. sets aside 15. set upon 16. set to
1. keep on 2. keep from 3. keep to 4. keep out 5. keep up 6. keep back 7. keep up with
8. keep down 9. keep from 10. keep on 11. keep…out 12. kept to 13. keep up with
14. keep down 15. kept…up 16. keep back

Passage 1 : B B C D A
Passage 2: B C D A D

1. couldn’t stand 2. promote herself 3. friction 4. speaking up 5. concrete details

Part Ⅱ

1-5 B C D A A 6-10 A B D C B 11-15 C D A B C 16-20 D C C A C
21. unreasonable 22. appropriate 23. stability 24. understood 25. using
26. vacancies 27. inflexible 28. to save 29. would become 30. tastes

1-6.B A D B C
6.non-native speakers 7.speaking 8.reading 9.language lab 10.Paula Paltridge


Unit 7
Part 1

weaken straighten sadden ripen tighten lessen broaden widen
deafen quiken darken deepen brighten shorten sharpen
1. tightened 2. quicken 3. saddens 4. shorten 5. brightened / widened
6. deafening 7. lessened 8. straighten

1. ups and downs 2. a straight-A student 3. hold down two part-time jobs
4. burst out crying for no apparent reason 5. on more than one occasion
6. take one’s own life 7. switch to computer programming
8. job prospects 9. get along with one’s boss 10. not get anywhere
11. psychological counseling center 12. book up in advance
13. It is estimated that…… 14. the tip of the iceberg


1-8 C E H A G D F B
9. got over 10. got into 11. have got off 12. getting along 13. get through
14. get on 15. got down to 16. get together
1. put off 2. put away 3. put out 4. put up with 5. put on 6. put in
7. put away 8. put ...on 9. put in 10. put ...off 11. put up with 12. put…out

1. major 2. switched 3. prospects 4. aptitude 5. to 6. difficulty
7. considering 8. sales 9. with 10. stay 11. up

Passage1: A A C D D
Passage2: A C B B D

1. too much stress 2. concentrate and focus 3. experiencing stress
4. illness 5. hurting themselves

Part Ⅱ

1-5 A B D C D 6-10 C D C C A 11-15 A B B D A 16-20 B D C A B
21. Unfortunately 22. anxiety 23. guidance 24. have asked 25. had expected
26. must be painted 27. being rebuilt 28. to get 29. various 30. additional

6. Thomson & Company 7. Quantity discount 8. sales representative
9. samples 10. reliable
