
假如你是李华,下星期六是你的生日,你准备在家开一个生日晚会,并邀请部分同学和外国朋友参加,晚会7:30开始。你家住在英才路(Yingcai Road)228号,乘3路或16路公共汽车在实验中学站下车。你家就在车站的对面。房子是红色的。门是白色的,很容易找到。请根据所给信息,给你的好友Jack写一封邀请信。注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。228 Yingcai Road September 11, 2013Dear Jack, Next Saturday will be my birthday. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes. Yours truly, Li Hua

One possible version:
228 Yingcai Road 
September 11, 2013
 Dear Jack, 
    Next Saturday will be my birthday.  I’m going to hold a birthday party at home in the evening. It will start at 7:30. Some classmates as well as some foreign friends are also invited. The activities include singing, dancing and sharing interesting experiences. Surely, we’ll have a good time. I would feel honored if you could come.
I live at 228 Yingcai Road. You can take Buses No 3 or No 16 and get off at the stop of Shiyan High School. Just on the opposite of the stop is my house which is red with a white door. I’m sure you can’t miss it.
I do hope you will come.
Best wishes.
Li Hua

【亮点说明】文章符合邀请函的写作要求,要点齐全,表达思路明确,知识点运用恰当到位,文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如include, do hope表强调,on the opposite of等, 还运用了倒装Just on the opposite of the stop is my house,定语从句which is red with a white door.及状语从句I would feel honored if you could come.等。并注意了句子的衔接如:surely,as well as等。