高分诚心恳请各位翻译英语 用翻译器的勿进!


Some people throw rubbish into the water often.this kind of behavior pollutes our water resources heavily. we have to cherish every drop of water, because the drinkable fresh water is less than 0.3%. some people cut trees casually for making paper,furnitures and so on. This will lead many animals to lose their home and even their lives.To solve the problems, we must plant more trees.That's because plants are very important for that animals need plants as their food to keep alive and we also need animals to eat.So,to protect our environment,lets move on to protect our home--earth.
自己翻译的~ 希望被采纳 。。。
呃 采纳2楼的吧 比我翻译的专业多了:) 呵呵 ^-^追问

看二楼的啥都看不懂 ························


呵呵 二楼的用了许多从句 而且用了很多的连词 这会使得你的文章更地道 但是 当然也更复杂。 我翻译的这都用的简单句,容易理解,但 不会拿到很多语法分。 就这样 ^^ 呵呵


纠结了 到底采纳谁的呢~~~~


呵呵 看哪个更贴近你的水平咯 如果是交作业 用个明显高于自己水平的 会被老师发现的
但是 如果是 假如哈 如果你需要用它卖弄一下文笔,例如 打算用这个说明你的观点来跟别的人聊天 那就用2楼的吧^-^

第1个回答  2011-06-16
Some people often put the rubbish into the water. Such behavior of water pollution. We must cherish water resources, because we can drink less than 0.3% of fresh water. Some people at random deforestation, used to make paper, make furniture, etc. This will make many animals lose their homes and life. So we must plant trees. For we plant is very important also, if no plants, animals, no food, it will die, we will lose their food. So, in order to protect the environment, let us protect our homes-the earth追问

我都说叻 既然你不愿翻译 也麻烦你不要去用翻译器、、、、、你就算翻译出来又要何意义!!!!!




楼下不就是在自己翻么、、我给你多少分你也未必会翻译啊 孩子 这点分说多不多说少不少的。再说了 我自己不愿意翻译 怎么了 你规定不行的!

第2个回答  2011-06-16
Some ones often throw rubbish into water, which, however will pollute water resource. It's necessary for us to take water resource as treasure, since there's less than 0.3 percent of the total storage to be drinkable. Moreover, some others chop down forests at will to make papers, furnitures, etc, and this do deprive many species of animals of their homeland and even lives. Therefore, we should pland more trees. For plants are extremely important for us. Without plants, animals will die off as losing their foods, so do we in the end. In a word, let us joint together to guard our home, saying, the earth, and to protect the environment.