

1)简单介词:about, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beside, but, by, down, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, near, round, since, to, under, up, with等等。
2)合成介词:inside, into, outside, throughout, upon, without, within
3)短语介词:according to, along with, apart from, because of, in front of, in spite of, instead of, owing to, up to, with reguard to
4)分词介词:considering, reguarding, including, concerning
at, on, in, during, before, after, over, from, following, by, till, until, towards, for, throughout, upon, since, pending, all through, prior to
2) 引导地点状语的介词:
in, at, across, to, down, under, near, between, over, from, into, through, onto, off, outside, out of, inside, within, beside, behind, below, among, beyond, against, around, before, up, ahead of, via, in front of, under, along, past, opposite, above, next to
3) 引导其他短语的介词:
by, with, about, except, like, of, according to, instead of, without, in, due to, because of, along with, as for, in spite of, on account of owing to, on behalf of, against, apart from, for, failing, plus, including, in regard to, with regard to
Class begins at half past seven. (时间) 7时半开始上课。
His parents work on a farm. (地点) 他父母在农场工作。
She came here by train. (方式) 她乘火车来这里。
You don’t have to worry about that. (原因) 你不必为那件事担心。
2. 用作定语
The book on the desk is very interesting. 书桌上的那本书很有趣。
The young man from Guilin is my uncle. 从桂林来的那位年轻人是我叔叔。
We visited the museum in the centre of the city. 我们参观了市中心的博物馆。
3. 用作表语
My father was in the army two years ago. 两年前我父亲在部队。
This book will be of great use to you. 这本书对你会有很大的用处。
第1个回答  2020-11-12


第2个回答  2011-07-03
on,in ,for,