care for、 look after、 take care和take care of有什么区别啊


care for (sb.) , take care of (sb./sth.)和 look after (sb.)均可指“照看,照料,照顾”,可通用。
She takes great care of her children. 她精心照看小孩。He's caring for his elderly parents.他正照顾着年迈的父母。
care for (sth.) 1)(用于否定句或疑问句,尤与would连用)可表示“愿意或同意(做某事);希望或喜欢(做某事):Would you care for a drink?你愿意喝点儿酒吗?2)care for sb.喜欢或爱某人: He cares for her deeply.他深深地爱着她。care for sb.对某人负责;照看某人;照顾某人:Who will care for him if his wife dies ?假若他妻子死了,谁照顾他? 3)care for sb./sth (用于否定句或疑问句)对某人(某事物)爱好或喜爱:I like him but I don't care for her.我喜欢他,却不太喜欢她。

take care (that.../to do sth.)当心;小心:Take care (that) you don't drink too much/ not to drink too much.当心别喝多了。Good bye, and take care!再见,多保重!

take care of oneself/sb./sth.1)照看;照料;照顾: My sister is taking care of the children while we're away.我们不在的时候,由我妹妹照看孩子。2)负责某人(某事);处理某人(某事): Mr. Smith takes care of marketing and publicity.史密斯先生负责产品的销售于推广。 Her secretary took care of all her appointments.她的秘书处理她的一切约会。

look after oneself/sb.照料、照顾或照看自己(某人) Who will look after the children while their mother is in hospital?孩子们的母亲住院期间谁照顾他们? He's good at looking after himself.他很会照顾自己。 look after sth.负责某事物:Our neighbours are looking after the garden while we are away.我们不在家的时候,由邻居照料花园。
第1个回答  2011-04-16
都可翻译成照顾。look after就是行为上比较具体的照顾,比如说The mother is looking after her sicky son.就不能翻译成 is taking care of……因为take care of是比较广义的照顾,一般都用来嘱咐说,照顾好自己或是自己的东西,比如Take good care of your handbag!而care of则更多的表示操心、关心之类的意思。且在这里care是动词,再take care of里,care 是名词。
对于care for;be fond of 喜爱

She doesn't care for that colour.她不喜欢那种颜色。

She did not care for him.她不喜欢他。

2.take care of;look after 照顾

As an orphan,he is cared for by the local authorities.他是个孤儿,受到当地政府的照顾。

He spent years caring for his sick mother.他数年中一直在照顾生病的母亲。

3.have regard for;trouble about尊重;重视

I do care for what my teacher says.我的确尊重老师说的话。

He cares only for himself.他只考虑自己。本回答被提问者采纳