suck up、suck in、take up、take in 都表示“吸收”的意思?在具体应用时有什么区别吗? 请高手解答。


<吸收>是它们唯一共同的意思.它们是有区别的. 研究以下句子; 不要看中文翻译!
(A) suck up:抽,吸
(1)The vacuum cleaner sucked up all the dirt from the carpet;
(2) A plant sucks up moisture from the soil. [也对: A plant sucks moisture from the soil]

(B) suck in:
(1)the undercurrent sucked him in 暗流吸走他
(2) The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad 吸引他们回
(3) to suck in oxygen吸氧气
(4) to suck in all your money骗完你的钱

(C) take in:
(1) The hotel took him in as waiter.雇用
(2) He couldn't take in the meaning of the word.理解
(3) He took in typing. 接受打字工作
(4) He was taken in by a con man.他被老千骗了
(5) Let's take in a movie tonight. 看电影;拜访.
(6) His thesis takes in that issue/point. 书中讨论那个议题/论点

(D) take up:
(1) Crops take up nutrients. 吸收
(2) He agreed to take up the job. 接受这项工作
(3) Let's take up where we left off.重新开始
(4) The extra duties took up most of my time.占据
(5) Let's take up each problem one at a time.处理
第1个回答  2011-04-13
suck up
吸收, 吸尽, 吮吸, 吸取
例:These plants suck up moisture from the soil.

suck in
吸收, 吞没, 欺骗
例:The club took in a new member last week.

take up
拿起, 开始, 从事, 吸收, 接纳, 占去, 继续做
例:She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.
v. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。

take in
接受, 让…进入, 理解, 包括, 欺骗, 改短
例:Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
vt. 鱼通过鳃摄取氧气。

