英语作文 .假如你是李华. 春天旅行社在你所在的城市刊登了招聘兼职(part-time)导游的广告.

假如你是李华. 春天旅行社在你所在的城市刊登了招聘兼职(part-time)导游的广告.请你根据广告上的提示 用英文给旅行社的负责人写一封信 表示希望得到一份兼职导游的工作

Wanted----part-time TOURIST GUIDES
Do you konw the city well ?
Do you like talking to people ?
Can you speak English ?
Are you free in July or in August ?
Please write to Peter Luo.
Spring Travel Agency


Dear Mr luo,
I am interested in the pare-time job as a tour guide for your travel agency.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


I have lived in our beautiful city all my life. I know it well and love it dearly, so I would certainly enjoy the opportunity to talk to other people and introduce our city to them. I have good English skills and know how to make a wide range of people feel comfortable. I am on vacation during July and August, so I'm really hoping that you'll give me a chance.

Hua Li

