
1 l'd love __(see) that film.will it be on tomorrom .
2 he's accustomed to __(work) ver hard .
3 these shirts need __(iron) .
4 l hate __(leave) so early , but i'm afraid i have to .
5 they continued __ (argue) till after midnight .
6 would you leke __(come) with me?
7 i shall be looking forward to __(see)you soon .
8 you must never come into this room without__(knick) fitst.
9 i got tired of __(wait)so ileft.
10 it began__(tain)just as i was going out.
11 i don't believe in __(work) too hard .
12 he accused me of __(take) his umbrella.

1.to see 解析:would love to do sth.愿意做某事 翻译:我愿意去看那场电影

2.working 解析:be accustomed to (doing) something 习惯于做某事 翻译:他习惯了努力工作

3.ironed 解析:这是被动语态,应填写过去分词ironed,翻译:这些衬衫需要被熨平

4.to leave解析:hate to do sth.讨厌做某事 翻译:我讨厌这么早离开,但是我恐怕必须这么做

5. arguing 解析:continue doing sth.继续做某事 在这里要注意区分:continue to do sth是做完一件再做别的 continue doing sth是做一件事中断后再继续做这件事

6.to come 解析:would like to do 愿意做某事 翻译:你愿意和我一起来吗?

7.to seeing 解析:look forward to doing sth.盼望着做某事 翻译:我将盼望着早日见到你

8.knicking 解析:without是介词,后面的动词要用ing形式

9.waiting 解析:get tired of doing sth.疲倦于做某事 翻译:我等累了,所以我离开了

10.to tain 解析:你这个单词肯定写错了,但是不管正确的单词是什么,都应用to do形式,begin to do sth 开始做某事

11.working 解析:believe in(doing)sth.信仰/赞同(做)某事 翻译:我不赞同太努力工作

12.taking 解析:accuse sb of doing sth.指控某人做某事 翻译:他指控我拿了他的雨伞

第1个回答  2011-04-24
1 l'd love _to see_(see) that film.will it be on tomorrom .
2 he's accustomed to __working(work) very hard .
3 these shirts need _ironing / to be ironed_(iron) .
4 l hate _to leave_(leave) so early , but i'm afraid i have to .
5 they continued __arguing (argue) till after midnight .
6 would you like _to come_(come) with me?
7 i shall be looking forward to __seeing (see)you soon .
8 you must never come into this room without__knocking(knock) first.
9 i got tired of __waiting (wait),so I left.
10 it began__to rain(rain) just as I was going out.
11 I don't believe in __working (work) too hard .
12 he accused me of __ taking/ having taken (take) his umbrella.
第2个回答  2011-04-24
楼上回答的不错,第三题用.to be ironed 也行,表被动。
第3个回答  2011-04-27
1.to see
2 working.
3 ironing (need doing 表被动)
4 to leave
5 arguing
6 to come
7 seeing
8 knocking
9 waiting
10to rain
11 working
12 taking