

1.The textyre of spare parts is Q235-B,the unmarked chamfer of the smaller part:R=20mm.
2.The *质理(抱歉,实在不知是啥) of the welded butt joint should not be lower than *二级(请问这是什么标准啊?世界标准好像没有一级二级的)
3.The unmarked welding lengh are all full weld,the *weld reinforcement(余高--你是这个意思吗?) of the welding joints is 6mm
4.The steel parts should be painted with anticorrosive paint and 面漆(抱歉,实在不知怎么说)after descaling. The paint layer should not be thinner yhan 150U.
5.The parts shown in the figure are all *in First Angle Projection(第一视角--正件指的是视角吗?)
6.*layout(是怎样的布置图?分解图(sectional view)?组合图(assembled)?
第1个回答  2011-04-26
Description: 1, component material are Q235 - B, small does not indicate the chamfering of D = 20, rounded R = 20MM. 2, butt weld seam not less than 2 diplex meanings. 3, does not indicate the weld lengths to full soldering, height of solder horn 6MM. 4, steel components after by derusting, topcoat, brush paint film thickness not less than 150U. 5, drawings for ZhengJian shown. 6, such as material list and auspicious image size discrepancy to auspicious image size shall prevail. 7, G - L each three pieces of positive and negative. 8, arrangement.
第2个回答  2011-04-26