

How to Make Your Students WANT to Learn English in Class

Teaching is one of the most demanding, yet rewarding jobs a person can do. Students' attendance is crucial for an English teacher. How to make students who are not interested in English want to learn in class? There are some helpful ways which I call the "Two- R" tips.
First, REWARD GOOD PARTICIPATION. Students want to learn in your class when they know they will be rewarded. Rewards may be considered bribery but in all honestly, we are rewarded for our successes in life, why not in school? Students of all ages respond to rewards. They key is to find the rewards that work best for the students in class. Extra points on a test grade often motivate students. I think that most students will come to class and learn if they know that extra points is at stake. Praise is also a very good reward. Such types of rewards do not have to be used on a daily basis. The most important reward is positive feedback. A teacher should be sensitive enough to catch his or her students when they are really being good and compliment them.
The second "R" is REALLY FUN. Don't just make class fun. Make it really fun! The teacher's enthusiasm is contagious. If you are enthusiastic about teaching then your students will be enthusiastic about learning. It's hard not to pay attention when the teacher is full of life and energy. Use your voice to keep their attention. Speak very, very softly then change to an exuberant voice. This holds a student's attention and keeps them on task. Play games. Turn a "boring lesson of terms" into a game of Jeopardy. Break them into teams and let them earn points then reward them (see rule 1). If you are excited about a topic then it will rub off on the students. They'll be excited! If your class is "Really Fun" then the students will want to pay attention and learning will be active.
第1个回答  2014-12-29
45 per cent of people think that there are two keys for becoming a popular person.first,we should change surface ,dress smartly and always full of the energy.second ,it is very important that people should keep smile
and be friendly with each other.in addition,55per cent of people think the person who are considerate are attractive .As a popular people ,they should be a good listener .Also ,the good people never talk the bad things about other people.
In my opinion , we should discipline yourself ,do more exercises and help other people which can win the resepection from each other.