



The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Da Ci'en Temple in Jinchang Square, Chang'an City. It is also known as the "Cien Temple Tower". 

In the three years of Tang Yonghui, Xuanzang hosted the construction of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda for the preservation of the Buddha statues brought back to Chang'an by the Silk Road. 

The first five floors were later added to the nine floors, and then the number and height of the layers were changed several times. 

Fixed to the seven-story tower seen today, with a height of 64.517 meters and a base length of 25.5 meters.



Daming Palace is the Dazheng Palace of the Tang Empire, the political decree center of the Tang Empire for more than 200 years, and the largest and most glorious group of buildings in the “Three Great Inner Kingdoms” of Tang Chang’an City, known as “Dongnei”.

It is located in Longshouyuan, north of Chang'an City. It was built in the Eighth Year of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, formerly known as Yong'an Palace. 

Since Tang Gaozong, there have been 17 Emperors of the Tang Dynasty who handled the political affairs here, which lasted for more than two hundred years.



Han Chang'an City Weiyang Palace Site is located in Xi'anmenli, southwest of the Han Chang'an City Site in Weiyang District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. 

It was built in the 7th year of Han Gaozu, destroyed in the war in the late Tang Dynasty, and was preserved in 1041.

It is the most used dynasty in Chinese history. The palace with the longest existence.




Terracotta Warriors and Horses, World Cultural Heritage, one of the eight wonders of the world, the national AAAAA level tourist attraction, the national key cultural relics protection unit.

The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is located in the east of Linyi District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. 

It is a large-scale burial pond in the cemetery of the first feudal emperor Qin Shihuang of Zhengzhou. 

The area of the cemetery is 2.18 million square meters. Based on the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty, the museum is a museum of ruins built on the site of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. 

It is also the largest ancient military museum in China.



Xi'an Mingcheng Wall is located in the downtown area of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

The wall is 12 meters high, the top width is 12-14 meters, the bottom width is 15-18 meters, the outline is closed rectangle, and the circumference is 13.74 kilometers. 

People in the city walls are used to call the ancient city, covering an area of 11.32 square kilometers. The famous Xi'an Bell and Drum Tower is located in the center of the ancient city.


第1个回答  2019-05-22



Xi'an Drum Tower, located in the center of the ancient capital of Xi'an, is about 200 meters northwest of Xi'an Bell Tower at the intersection of four main streets in the Ming Dynasty.

Founded in 1380, the 13th year of Zhu Yuanzhang Hongwu, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, it is one of the largest and most complete drum towers left over from ancient China.



The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Dacien Temple in Jinchangfang, Chang'an City, Tang Dynasty (now south of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province), also known as the "Cien Temple Pagoda". In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652).

Xuanzang presided over the construction of the Goose Pagoda for the preservation of the scroll Buddha statues brought back to Chang'an by Tianzhu through the Silk Road.

The first five stories were added to the ninth stories, then the number and height of the seven stories were changed several times.

Finally, they were fixed to the seven-story pagodas seen today, with a height of 64.517 meters and a bottom edge length of 25.5 meters.



Tang Huaqing Palace is another palace for feudal emperors in Tang Dynasty. Later also known as "Huaqing Pool", located in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province.

Including the original Lishan National Forest Park, and the Summer  Palace, Yuanmingyuan, Chengde Summer Resort, known as China's four major  imperial garde.



Xi'an Huimin Street is a famous gourmet and cultural street in Xi'an, and a snack street in Xi'an.  Huimin Street is located in the north courtyard gate, which is the  official District of Qing Dynasty. Because the governor Yamen of Shaanxi  Province is north of Gulou.

it is named the North courtyard.  At the end of 1990s, some Hui people rented houses and managed catering  in this street. Lianhu District was transformed into catering street,  and Beiyuan Gate became Hui street.



Fahua Temple is located in Fahua Temple Street in Dongcheng District (formerly Chongwen District).  It was rebuilt during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Tongzhi in Qing  Dynasty.

It is one of the great temples in Nancheng, Beijing. Fahua Temple has mountain gates, three-storey halls and East and West supporting halls.


第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-24
兵马俑:The Terra Cotta Warriors华清池Huaqing pool西安城墙Xi'an city Wall半坡遗址 Half way up the mountain site 阿房宫遗址 Palace site of room of A骊山Li mountain 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 华山:Mount Hua 兴庆公园Xingqing Park.钟楼 bell tower 鼓楼 drum-tower慈恩寺benevolence本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-06-23
Xi'an places of historic interest and scenic beauty