

这是06年政府工作雇员的报告. 加分后还有07年的
Report on the Work of the Government (2006)

Fellow Deputies:
On behalf of the municipal people’s government, I would like to present to you the following report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also welcome comments and suggestions on my report from the members of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and non-voting delegates.
I. Review of the Work in 2005 and Implementation of the Tenth Five- Year Plan
2005 was a year out of common, as we braved difficulties and hardships in an indomitable spirit and through our pioneering work. Under the leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Committee, we seriously carried out the scientific outlook on development, vigorously adapted to the national macroeconomic regulation, further promoted “the year of investment promotion”, “the year of project promotion”, and “the year of efficiency construction”, and overcame the restraints of productive elements and the bad influence of consecutive strong typhoons, we worked hard and innovatively, and the main goals and tasks made on the Third Session of the Fifth Municipal People’s Congress were smoothly completed.
1. Economic growth was fast yet steady. Jiaxing’s GDP totaled 115 billion yuan, an increase of 14% over the previous year. Primary industry increased by 3%, secondary industry 15%, and tertiary industry 14%. The municipal government revenue amounted to 13.49 billion yuan, including the local government revenue of 6.65 billion yuan, an increase of 18.7 % and 21.1% respectively over the previous year. Fixed assets investment across the city hit 72.9 billion yuan, an increase of 15% over the previous year.
Agri-economic growth was steady. We worked out and implemented Urban Agricultural Development Plan. We promoted the transformation of agriculture and its increase to raise the overall agricultural production capability. Grain planting area has been stabilized. The total grain output hit 1.195 million tons in 2005. Agricultural structure had been further optimized. The yields of husbandry, cultivation of special products, flowers, and quality fruits increased significantly. Development of tourism and sightseeing as well as ecological leisure farming had been quickened, with 28 various sightseeing and leisure agricultural parks across the city constructed. Industrialized agricultural operation was steadily boosted, increasing 22 flagship agricultural enterprises, and 41 farmers’ specialized cooperatives. Quality of agricultural products was improved owing to the vigorous promotion of standardized agricultural production, and progress was made in the control of animal and plant epidemic diseases. Famous, Special, Superior and New Agricultural Products Exhibition was successfully held in Shanghai.
Industrial economy acquired a substantial development. We further carried out the strategy of building Jiaxing through industry, and published The Direction Catalogue of Key Fields, Technologies and Products for Building an Advanced Manufacturing Base. Land, fund and other productive elements were centralized in competitive industries, and the industrial structure continued to be optimized. The output value, and profits and taxes of industrial enterprises above designated size totaled 210 billion yuan and 1.68 million yuan, an increase of 25% and 22% respectively. The industrial power consumption reached 12.3 billion KW/H, a rise by 19%. The output value of heavy industry rose by 27.1%, representing a 2.3% increase in the proportion of industrial economy. The output value of high-tech industry such as electronic information grew by 26%, higher than the average increasing speed of industry. More attention was paid to the development of circular economy and the intensive use of resources. The overall energy consumption for per 10 thousand output value of industrial enterprises fell by 7.3%. The project of brand names achieved actual effects, with 4 brand names of China and 20 famous trademarks of Zhejiang newly added.
Tertiary industry developed at a faster speed. We earnestly carried out The Overall Plan of the Development of Tertiary Industry and created a favorable atmosphere and environment for the growth of service sector. Retail sales of social consumables totaled 37 billion yuan, representing an increase of 14%. Jiaxing Exhibition & Convention Center, the 1st phase of Integrated Logistics Park, and the 1st phase of Relocation and Construction of Haining Leather City were completed and put into use. Famous chain enterprises such as Lotus Supercentre, and Gome Electric Appliances settled in Jiaxing. The projects of Jiangnan Mall and International Zhonggang City have been boosted. The South Lake scenic spot has been listed as the classic scenic spot for national red tourism. Wuzhen town in Tongxiang has been erected as one of the Top Ten Famous Charming Towns in China. The total income from tourism has reached 10.67 billion yuan, an increase of 24.1%.
Open-oriented economy continued to grow. Foreign contracted investment hit US$ 2.5 billion and the foreign capital in actual use reached US$ 1.156 billion in 2005. With the impact of the state macroeconomic regulations and the change of element market, the goal in the actual use of foreign capital this year has not yet been achieved. A domestic capital of 6.3 billion yuan was introduced in 2005, increased by 21%. A total value of import and export amounted to US$ 9.8 billion, of which US$ 7 billion was for export, an increase of 23.7% and 37.1% respectively. Thirty six overseas enterprises were approved this year. Jiaxing Export Processing Zone has passed the State check. Great achievement has been made in regional cooperation. Production bases with about 3 million mu for sericulture and other farm products have been founded in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.
2. Steady progress was made in urban and rural constructions. The widening project of Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway has been completed. The construction of Hangzhou-Pudong and Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou expressways, and the north bank connection line of Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been accelerated. Jiashan and Jiaxing-Huzhou Main Roads have been constructed and open to traffic. The rebuilding project for the urban section of 07 provincial highway has been primarily finished. Three over 10,000-ton docks have been built in Zhapu Port District. The construction of inland river ports for international container has been launched. 65% of the progress on the canal project in the southern outskirt has been covered. Dyke construction project along the Qiantangjiang River in Pinghu, Haiyan and Hanning has smoothly progressed. Construction of central city has been accelerated. The extended section of central ring east road and the rebuilding of Santa road have been basically completed. Renovation of small streets and lanes has been boosted in a comprehensive way. A 35,000 m2 of dangerous and old houses was removed. 1,400 mu green land has been increased in the city. And Jiaxing has been successfully listed as one of the state garden cities. The urban sanitation management was improved. “Digital City Management” was launched in an all-rounded scale, and the special renovation on “Three Disorders” and tricycle operation without license has acquired substantial effects. Thus, city management reached a higher level. Construction of power supply and power grids has been intensified. Hengyang and Xiexin projects of combined production of power and heat have been completed and put into operation. 1.62 million KVA of 110-KV or above power transforming capacity has been newly increased after the completion and operation of the capacity expansion project of 220-KV Qingshi power transformer station in Tongxiang and No.3 power transformer station in Jiashan. The urban and rural integration in public transportation and water supply has been quickened, with 1,502 km highway connecting villages and groups newly constructed, and lines of public buses available to 827 administrative villages. We started the construction of a water plant in Guanjing Port in the southern suburb, and speeded up the construction of water supply pipeline. Therefore, additional 315,000 people could enjoy water supply from the urban water supply pipeline. An integrated renovation of urban and rural environment has been implemented, with 1027.9km of waterways dredged, and 16 industrial pollution and sources of danger improved in the city area. Steady progress was made in the work on “Demonstration of Hundred Villages and Renovation of Thousand Villages”, with the percentage of centralized collection of rural domestic garbage reaching 90%.
3. Various reforms were deepened. We worked out Program for Further Reform of Government Institutions, and completed the adjustment of “Three Fixes” program for eleven municipal institutions. Centralized examination and approval of administrative affairs continued to be expanded. The function of unified platform for bidding and tendering has been upgraded. The reform of public service institutions has smoothly progressed, with 87 municipal public service institutions being reformed. We intensified administration supervision, efficiency inspection and economic responsibility auditing. Steady progress has been made in the trials of comprehensive reform of towns in rural areas. We strengthened the supervision of state assets and made an inventory of the assets and liabilities of 13 municipal state-owned assets operation companies. The operational assets being supervised totals 31.22 billion yuan. Enterprise reform was deepened. Thirteen joint-stock companies were restructured, and one company was added to the listed companies. We vigorously fostered intermediary organizations and approved another 21 intermediary agencies. We seriously carried out and implemented the State Council’s eight measures on stabilizing house prices, set up real estate information sharing system and policy coordination to promote the healthy development of real estate. The promotion of individual loan credit and the credit of food safety helps improve social credit system and regulate market order.
4. Science,technology and education developed at a faster speed. Jiaxing Science & Technology City was under construction. The Chinese Academy of Sciences Jiaxing Center Microsystem Institute and other 9 sub-centers have settled in Jiaxing. Zhejiang Tsinghua Yangtze River Delta Research Academy has started 15 national, provincial, and municipal scientific research projects. Fifteen municipal scientific and technological innovation and business establishment service centers and 8 provincial high-tech R&D centers have been newly confirmed. The Municipal Scientific Innovation Center has been elected as national incubator for science and technology. Haining Base for New Textile Materials has been newly confirmed as a national industrial base with characteristics. The capacity for independent innovation of enterprises has been enhanced, with 26 projects listed in national Torch Program, and 11 products chosen as national new products. The arena for scientific and technical cooperation has been further broadened. The Ukrainian Day of science and technology in Jiaxing was successfully held, with agreement on mutual construction of the International Technology Transfer Center signed with Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, with 88 items of cooperative intentions agreed on. The transactions on online technical market have been in full swing, with 173 projects concluded and their agreements signed. The achievements in creating strong counties of education have been consolidated. Pinghu, Haiyan, and Tongxiang counties passed the re-assessment of provincial strong counties of education. We lead Zhejiang province in compulsory and senior middle school education. The promotion rate of junior secondary school graduates reached 94.1%. The ratio between general senior middle school education and vocational senior middle school education is 1:1. The percentage of students passing university entrance examination reached 90.7%. The conditions of school operation continued to be improved by the implementation of “Four Projects”(the expansion project of funding students from families with financial difficulties, the love project of nutritional meals, the project of renovating students’ canteens and dorms, the project of upgrading teacher’s quality) in rural primary and middle schools. Vigorous efforts were made to build provincial model schools. 101 primary and middle schools passed the provincial check of standardized school construction. The overall strength of Jiaxing University has been enhanced. The new campus of Jiaxing Vocational and Technological Institute has been built and put into use. The 3rd-phase construction for Jiaxing Nanyang Vocational and Technological Institute has been started. Jiaxing City University has been formally established. Enrolments of college students have reached 36,000 in Jiaxing. Reform of educational system has been accelerated, with 55 privately-run schools newly set up in Jiaxing.
5. New achievements have been made in various social undertakings. We organized intellectual and recreational activities in urban communities and the countryside, focusing on “Double Hundred, Double Thousand, and Double Ten Thousand” (organizing the activity of 100 films and 100 theatrical performances on the square in urban areas; organizing 1000 farmer entertainment teams, 1000 performances of plays, singing and dancing, 10,000 films and 10,000 books sent to the country and community across the city). Jiangnan Cultural Festival was successfully held. People enjoy rich cultural life. Literary and artistic creation has made abundant achievements, with 70 works awarded at the provincial level and higher. Haiyan Rolling Lanterns and other 6 folk arts were listed in the first directory of representatives of the provincial non-substantial cultural heritage. The Municipal Public Health Center has been built and put into use. Community health and medical services have progressed steadily. Therefore, the health and medical service system has been improved. Active part has been taken in controlling and preventing highly pathogenic bird flu. Prevention and cure of cholera has attained phasic success. The ability to respond to public health emergencies has been further improved. The medical market has been speeded to open to the foreign capital, and the first Chinese-Foreign Joint Venture Hospital – Zhejiang Xin’an International Hospital is under construction. Vigorous efforts have been made to create strong counties and towns of sports. Amateur and competitive sports got a coordinated development. Athletes of Jiaxing domicile won 5 gold medals in the 10th National Sports Game. The construction of Jiaxing Sports Center has made headway. Fitness Center for urban residents and Olympic Sports Center for the Disabled are under construction. Registration for general economic survey has been fully completed, and a sampling survey targeting about 1% of population started. Fresh achievements were made in the fields related to weather, archives, local annals, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese, and Taiwan.
6. A harmonious and stable society was maintained. We carried out the policy of employment priority. We organized The Employment Assistance Month focusing on “Four Provides and One Implement”(providing jobs, skills, services and policies; implementing the policies concerning social insurance allowances for the reemployment of people with difficulty in finding a job). We helped 8,584 people with difficulty in finding a job to be reemployed. The government overdue payments clear-up system and employment organization and labor inspection in enterprises have been improved to create a “wage-debt free city”. The municipal talent market and labor market has been integrated as human resources center whose service for the market has been upgraded. The coverage of social security continues to be broadened by having additional 54,000, 19,000, and 41,000 people joining in endowment, unemployment and birth insurance respectively. The construction of medical insurance system has been boosted rigorously and the number of people taking part in Urban Staff Basic Medical Insurance and Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance reached 616,000 and 2.275 million people respectively. The first hospital in favor of citizens with financial difficulty in Jiaxing was founded. The system of helping the poor and students with financial difficulty has been improved. 13.756 million yuan was raised to fund 28,000 students from poor families. Focusing on the ten practical things closely related to the production and the living of the citizens set by Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress held in early 2005, we have made great efforts to ensure their timely completion by having them carried out separately and supervised. Importance has been attached to the work of ethnic affairs, religion, population and family planning. Great support has been given to develop the undertakings for the handicapped, charity, and volunteer service. Much work has been done to publicize universal law education and properly handle complaints from the people and contradictions among the people. We have attached much importance to production safety and attained the goal of “Three Zero Increases” (the number of safe production accidents and deaths, and the amount of direct economic loss not surpassing the controlling index set by Zhejiang Provincial Government). In accordance with the law, much work has been done to strengthen the improvement of public order through comprehensive measures and crack down on crimes and illegitimate activities. New achievements have been made in the construction of reserve forces for national defense. Jiaxing city has been awarded the advanced city for civil air defense.
第1个回答  2007-05-22