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第1个回答  2011-05-15


第2个回答  2011-05-16
has fashioned a substantial value of revenue.

Nianxia in 2009, the State Copyright Bureau issued a Collection of transfer functions with the answer of,U.S. news aggregation site for a revision in 14 years is not recommended traffic second only to Google, Means that the Society should be the text book is the text only works with legal qualifications and use of collected royalties reproduced creations. But in truth, there exists creations coexist, chaotic treatment situation.

Reflecting some authors to ask for royalties agencies nigh the walls, and several community agencies that are not reproduced in the reception to the public information of the article can not be reproduced in the case of queries.

At the same period, Zhang Hongbo also said that this is a long-term project, acknowledged,Womens Corduroy, but difficult to stand in front of not small.

3, in the charges, the text book to help federations in the successful rejoinder to the copyright owner may retrieve the fees charged, the to extract 15% funding.

> Related: New Website cum text book co formally launched the text book royalties Association inquiry system for executive penalties for violations library Baidu Baidu scrutinize loosened text book co remuneration Enquiry System

information, extremely finite access to site traffic every day and only 200 times, not also many. Therefore, the system is running more than a month, actually seeing to help recover the text book co-owner of the copyright royalties are not also many.

actually focus.

lack of supervision

reporter saw the Society in the text book website, do leave the registration of copyright, registration of related links, there are reports catered text book co-mail.

, newspapers reprinted the statutory authorize royalties specified by the National Copyright Administration received migrate body. State Copyright Bureau has also been introduced in 1999, In 2002, the March 1, 2005 entry into coerce of the

look forward to the copyright owner licensed

written work will be reproduced in royalties issues into the public eye, but also to lack of on-line text book, co royalties January mortified situation of investigation system that reproduced the works and recover for copyright royalties for the responsibilities of the system but now it is

query text book co remuneration system was formally launched on April 26, aims to help recover the copyright written works reproduced in newspapers and magazines generated from royalties.

Related Links

agencies because the inherent inconsistencies in the legal contradictions, some newspapers and magazines will muddy the waters, intentionally alternatively unintentionally, of royalties owed . This trend is more apparent now, received a text book co recent prevalent grumbles of copyright holders, principally the maximum outstanding of several colossal Digest magazine's complaints. Zhang Hongbo, said many newspapers and journals are questing ways to avoid disbursing royalties reproduced in written works, for instance, ambition be reproduced in the publishing of a large digit of works at other name. This tin legitimately can not detect on the floor to avoid the bear royalties.

Some publications of the deliberately delayed

industry fully understood and recognized. The subsistence of the copyright owner that the system was only cared about one thing,

manner, directly shield their rights. Chinese Commercial News reporter Chen Jie / text

royalties collection

1, copyright owners should pay care to their work creature reproduced in the rights enjoyed by, once found their work is reproduced, ought be the premier time to ask for remittance of the appropriate fee, or as presently as pertinent information to the text book, co, relying on the text book, co protect their own interests.

but he had to acknowledge, sprinting more than a month of to a large role in promoting, narrated as

transform a member, so in order to have the text book co-direction to do otherwise, relying on the power of text book co, how could a complete collection of information on the copyright owner of all the country. absence of efficacious channels to receive royalties, and royalties low reprint, causing some distress because fear of copyright holders and not worth the candle, and do not concern about this money.

It is understood that this work has borne the China Copyright Protection Center had previously received extra than 2,000 million in royalties, royalties are still not receiving more than 1,000 yuan yet not transferred to the text book Association.

writer sixty-six v. In the new publish of , After the Sixty-six repeatedly with the Although the subsequent

hard for another agencies work together

Newspapers, magazines and consciously paid royalties.

4, is too studying how the text writing co procreated ashore the network to preserve valid rights of license holders, access apt the appropriate royalties to copyright holders.

2, proposed to the text book, co-copyright holders enrol their websites and related work information, and assure timely updates. Once the prices associated with newspapers and magazines will be dispensed to the text book co-facilitate the first text book co advertise the copyright owner to receive funding (look details query text book co website).

, however, reproduced in charge of newspapers, instructing substances

a writer, told reporters that for a best-selling founder, the cardinal source of revenue is selling book bargains royalties and royalties, likened to several hundred thousand greenbacks in royalties every corner, reproduced the recovery to the hundreds, thousands of dollars simply drip in the bucket, not worth a fight, not to mention works reproduced also indirectly increase visibility.

text book co fire of the , the reporter tried to enter the system,New Coach Handbags, and associated quest. However, with the help of the system the effect of the copyright owner to receive royalties is greatly diluted. After inquiries from reporters found that the information logged in the system is extremely restricted, the current best-selling author on the market,Cheap Jordans, well-known authors such as Han Han, Guo, Murongxuecun information such as the works were not comprised. Even if some information is included writers, but quite few. For sample, only 1 well-known writer Jia in which content is included, this falls distant short of the substantial location.

ask results are poor
第3个回答  2011-05-15