关于电视作用坏处的英语作文,单词数在80~120之间 急用!!

电视可以开阔眼界 时间长了会伤害眼睛 影响人工作学习
开头已给:nowadays almost every family has a Tv setand

No one will deny that human beings have benefited a lot from the invention of television. It makes people learn the latest news and allows them to follow the latest development in politics and science. Many of the TV programs are both instructive and stimulating. People can almost travel throughout the world and acquaint themselves with the strangest customs while staying in their sitting room. Radio programs might provide the similar service, but on television screen everything is much more vivid, much more real.

Nowadays almost every family has a Tv set.However, people also have different opinions on television and have argued heartedly about its advantages and disadvantages since its invention. Some even relate it to the negative influence on our children and the increasing crime rate. One anxious mother said, "TV is really a nuisance to my son. He spends so much time watching TV that he doesn't do well in studying. He needs to stop!" According to the police, the number of young criminals is increasing rapidly, which results in the TV programs. They said some programs were full of violence and obscenity. They have bad influences on children.