

A earthquake occured in Sichuan province, China in May 12th, 2008, which frightened everybody there in Sichuan. The death and epidemic disease which often take place in and after catastrophe might fall to them any minute. Surprisingly, no disease in large-scale and range ever happened there, because as we saw, the soldiers and docters who came not quite later after the earthquake were sterilizing the scene to prevent the disease. They did this by using quicklime and they provided everybody medicine.
The PLA soldiers under the order of the goverment arrived the quake-stricken region not long after the time the quake occured. The goverment kept the hands sent from the other provinces to save the life and propert there. So, you can understand why those people give a high score of the administrative merits of CCP, as there is no other country which could send the assistance to the scene to save lives and help people in such a short time. The US, the only super power, took as an example, could handle the situation in several weeks time after Katrina hurricane in its territory. And as we can imagine, nobody can insist on for a few weeks after severely injuried.
Now ,right 3 years after the quake, our lives have resumed, and as we see, the public buildings and schools reconstructed are better than their counterparts before the quake. Students now study in the schools in peace, which, in my opinion, credits much to the prosperity of our nation. Personally, we shall be grateful to what we have, by paying back not only on lips but on our practise, which means harder work and study.
Let us be grateful, and be hard-working.
第1个回答  2011-05-17
2008 May 12, a massive earthquake was in sichuan, sichuan everyone very frightened, death and disease may come, in fact, many disease after the catastrophe, it will make the deaths. But to our surprise, the big disease hasn't happened, because you can see, many soldiers and doctors in spraying potions. Treat death they use to sterilize, they still quick release for everyone medication. So here almost no big disease.
After the earthquake, the government ordered soldiers immediately reach the disaster area. They still let the other provinces sent to a disaster rescue of people's lives and property, so you can learn, many people in the disaster and saw the communist party came to power after the good, because other countries in the world, no one can get at such a pace disaster rescue even the world's superpower - the United States, in his own country's territorial it happened after a tornado, he also just in a few weeks later to deal with, and you can imagine, who can in badly injured after insisting for weeks?
And now, the distance from the earthquake in the past three years, our life, we already reparo various public buildings than earthquakes may even before the disaster: well, now the school can resist compare strong earthquake it, so we can see the students confidently in school. And I think that this may be because the country prosperous! But we? Because of this, but not absolutely know Thanksgiving just theoretically river, let us use their learning achievement to prove our determination!
Be grateful for the gift, more to make progress.
第2个回答  2011-05-17
A terrible earthquack happend in Sichuan province May 12nd,2008. Everyone was frightened because death and disease might come.As a matter of fact, Disaster often followed with large mumber of disease which make people die. However, what surprise us is that no severe disease was got owing to the medicinal liquid sprayed by los of doctors and soldieries.They disinfect dead bodies with calcium lime and also hand out everyone medcine which come out to be no severe disease.
After the earthquack, the arny landed to disaster area at once by the instructions of government.They still assign other povinces to help rescuing people's lives and assets,from which we can see many people notice the benefits of the Communist Party‘s governing after the serious disaster for the reason that no country on the earth can hurry to disaster relief and emergency indisaster area like China even as the superpower American, which handle the area suffered from tornado weeks ago in their own nation, so how much can stand for the terrible damage for weeks in your imagination?
but today the day after the earthquack has passed away for 3 years, we have lived like always with the public works better than the earthquack before and students can be seen in carlmly learning at school which may defect more powerful earthquack. For me ,this is probably the country has became prosperous and powerful!And us?we should know the gratitude not by talking,but by the better school results to prove our minds.
gratitude is needed, and more vital of improvement by hard working
第3个回答  2011-05-17
2008 May 12, a massive earthquake was in sichuan, sichuan everyone very frightened, death and disease may come, in fact, many disease after the catastrophe, it will make the deaths. But to our surprise, the big disease hasn't happened, because you can see, many soldiers and doctors in spraying potions. Treat death they use to sterilize, they still quick release for everyone medication. So here almost no big disease.
After the earthquake, the government ordered soldiers immediately reach the disaster area. They still let the other provinces sent to a disaster rescue of people's lives and property, so you can learn, many people in the disaster and saw the communist party came to power after the good, because other countries in the world, no one can get at such a pace disaster rescue even the world's superpower - the United States, in his own country's territorial it happened after a tornado, he also just in a few weeks later to deal with, and you can imagine, who can in badly injured after insisting for weeks?
And now, the distance from the earthquake in the past three years, our life, we already reparo various public buildings than earthquakes may even before the disaster: well, now the school can resist compare strong earthquake it, so we can see the students confidently in school. And I think that this may be because the country prosperous! But we? Because of this, but not absolutely know Thanksgiving just theoretically river, let us use their learning achievement to prove our determination!
Be grateful for the gift, more to make progress.