

第1个回答  2024-05-22
1. Soldier: 76: I've got you in my sights. (Tactical visor activated.)
2. Soldier: 76 (Nano): Get out of my way! (I'm feeling unstoppable!)
3. Reaper: Die... Die... Die...!!! (Clearing the area.)
4. Reaper (Nano): Huhu... I feel alive. (I am unstoppable!)
5. Pharah: Justice rains from above. (Rocket barrage incoming.)
6. Pharah (Nano): System at max! (I am unstoppable!)
7. Genji: Dragon's fang! (The dragon becomes me!)
8. Genji (Nano): Strength flows through me! (I am unstoppable!)
9. McCree: It's high noon. (Step right up.)
10. McCree (Nano): Buckle up, this gunslinger's loaded. / Ain't no stopping me! (I'm unstoppable!)
11. Tracer: Bomb's away. (×)
12. Tracer (Nano): No one's gonna stop me! (I'm unstoppable!)
13. Widowmaker: Apagando las luces! (EMP activated!)
14. Widowmaker (Nano): I am unstoppable!
15. Hanzo: Dragon will consume you. (Let the dragon consume you)
16. Hanzo (White Wolf/Lone Wolf): Wolf, consume my enemies! (The wolf hunts for its prey.)
17. Hanzo (Nano): I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable!)
18. Bastion: BEE BEE BEE BEE
19. Widowmaker: Personne n'échappe à mon regard. (No one can hide from my sight.)
20. Widowmaker (Nano): I feel alive! / I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable!)
21. Mei: Freeze, don't move. (Freeze, don't move.)
22. Mei (Nano): Everyone, stay out of my way! (Nothing can stop me!)
23. Torbjörn: Molten core!!! (×)
24. Torbjörn (Nano): I'm feeling the power! (I'm unstoppable!)
25. Roadhog: Fire in the hole! (Ladies and gentlemen, start your engine.)
26. Roadhog (Hogger): Get ready for a shock!
27. Roadhog (Nano): There's no one'd stop me now! (I'm unstoppable!)
28. D.Va: Nerf this. (Activating self-destruct sequence)
29. D.Va (Nano): You're better get out of the way! (I am unstoppable!)
30. Hook: Early in the morning. (×)
31. Hook (Nano): Come over here! (I am unstoppable!)
32. Zarya: Fire at will. (Огонь по готовности)
33. Zarya (Nano): I am strong! / My strength unleashed! (I am unstoppable!)
34. Winston: ×
35. Winston (Nano): Feeling powerful! And I'm not even angry! (I am feeling unstoppable!)
36. Reinhardt: Hammer down! (×)
37. Reinhardt (Nano): Are you ready? Here I come! / I feel powerful! (I am unstoppable!)
38. Orisa: Cease your resistance. (Team up for Special Attack.)
39. Orisa (Nano): I am unstoppable!
40. Mercy: Heroes never die. (Heroes never die.)
41. Mercy (Valkyrie/Healing): Till Valhalla.
42. Mercy (Witch/Halloween): Heroes never die. For a price.
43. Mercy (Nano): I feel empowered! / I feel unstoppable! (I am unstoppable!)
44. Zenyatta: Pass into the iris. (Experience tranquility.)
45. Zenyatta (Nano): I feel unstoppable. (I feel greatly empowered.)
46. Lucio: Let's drop the beat. (Oh let's break it down.)
47. Lucio (Nano): Hoh! There's no stopping me now! (I'm unstoppable!)
48. Mercy (Teleporter online): (Teleporter online. We move swiftly.)
49. Mercy (Q2): Shield Generator Online.
50. Mercy (Nano): There is nothing that will stand in my way! (I am unstoppable!)
51.安娜: (You're powered up, get in there. / Nano boost administered.)
52.安娜 (Nano): I feel like I could take on the world! (I cannot be stopped!)