1、what is it like=what does it look like=how is it like=how does it look like对吗

2、people,peoples, person, persons的区别,详解,谢谢

第一个 是对的!
第二个,Compare person, persons, people and peoples.

1 People is the most usual plural of person. *people是person最通用的复数形式. Persons is formal and mostly used in legal language. *persons较文, 主要作法律用语.

2 Person can also sound formal and is often avoided. *person有时也较文, 通常避免使用. In general statements, the sentence can be made plural 在泛指时, 此词在句中可用其复数形式: A person has the right to defend himself/People have the right to defend themselves. 人人均有自卫权. When referring to a particular situation, we can say I saw someone/a man/a woman riding a horse instead of I saw a person riding a horse. 在特指时, 可以说‘我看见有个人[男的/女的]骑着马’(英文句中可以不用person, 用someone/a man/a woman).

3 People is also a singular noun (plural peoples) meaning `nation', `tribe' or `race' *people作‘民族’、‘部落’或‘种族’解时, 是单数名词(复数是peoples): The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people. 古埃及人是个令人神往的民族. * the French-speaking peoples of the world 世界上说法语的民族.