

第2个回答  2009-04-04

则这本书的质量为---------------------------------------------------------------( )
A. 153.8克 B. 156.2克 C. 153.6克 D. 156.4克
2、有一温度计在0℃时水银柱长5厘米,在100℃时水银柱长25厘米,当水银柱长12厘米时所显示的温度为---------------------------( )
A.28℃ B.35℃ C.48℃. D.60℃
3、给窗户配玻璃,下列测量工具中,比较合适的是-------------( )
最小刻度是1毫米的刻度尺 B. 最小刻度是1厘米的刻度尺
C. 最小刻度是1分米的刻度尺 D.以上三种都可以
4、用显微镜观察标本时,应该是-----------------------------( )
A.双眼睁开,用右眼观察 B.双眼睁开,用左眼观察
C.左眼观察,右眼闭上 D.右眼闭上,左眼观察
5、小球藻和柳树同属植物界,两者差别很大,共同点很少;玉米和月季同属种子植物门,共同点较多。这一事实说明--------------------( )
6、动物与植物的本质区别在于-------------------------------( )
A.能动不能动 B.能否吃东西
C.获取营养的方式不同 D.有没有神经
7、人能感觉到冷热或疼痛,起作用的是--------------------------( )
A.上皮组织 B.肌肉组织 C.结缔组织 D.神经组织
8、下列显微镜的物镜和目镜组合中,放大倍数最大的是----------( )
A.物镜4X、目镜5X B.物镜10X、目镜5X
C.物镜10X、目镜10X D.物镜40X、目镜10X
9、下列物体不属于生物的是---------------------------------( )A.机器人 B.水绵 C.葫芦藓 D草履虫
10.生物等级分类的基本单位是--------------------------------( )A.门 B.纲 C.种 D.品种
11.真菌在结构上与绿色植物的显著不同之处是------------------( )A.没有液泡 B.没有细胞壁C.没有叶绿体 D.没有成形的细胞核
12.有一块金属铜,在下列情况下质量会发生变化的是------------( )A.将铜加热至500℃ B.将铜熔化为成铜水C.将铜拉长成铜丝 D.将铜挫成正方体
13.在课堂上,某同学测得3分钟内脉搏和呼吸分别为225次和60次,则有该同学脉搏和呼吸的说法中正确的是---------------------------( )A.脉搏跳动一次1.25秒 B.脉搏跳动一次0.8秒C.呼吸一次需20秒 D.1秒钟呼吸2次
14.下面对温度的认识,正确的是------------------------------( )A. 100℃的水与100℃的水蒸气的冷热程度是一样的B. 0℃的冰比0℃的水温度低。C. 某市冬天最低气温是—5℃,夏天最高气温39℃,则该城市最高气温和最低气温相差34℃。D. 如果某动物温度不超过60℃,我们可用体温计来测量。
15.裸子植物的特征是----------------------------------------( )A.果实外没有果皮包被 B.种子外没有果皮包被C.有根、茎、叶,但没有花、果实、种子 D.果实成熟后将裂开,种子露出
16.用托盘天平称量物体的质量时,将被称物体和砝码放错了位置,若天平平衡时,左盘放有100克和20克砝码各一个,游码所对的刻度值是4克,则物体的质量为-------------------------------------------------( )A.124克 B.122克 C.118克 D.116克
17、关于体温计,下列说法中不正确的是-----------------------( )
18、下列有关菌落的描述中,正确的是-------------------------( )
19、植物叶脉中的筛管属于-----------------------------------( )
A.保护组织 B.输导组织 C.分生组织 D.机械组织
20、人体的结构层次中,低于系统的层次是---------------------( )
A.细胞 B.组织 C.器官 D.个体
25、完成下列数据的单位:一个中学生的质量55_____;科学书的宽16.8______;一个同学50米赛跑时间8 。
26、19世纪两位德国科学家______(填人名),在总结前人研究的事实材料和设想的基础上创立了“细胞学说”,它的基本内容是_________________________ _。
27、(1)使用显微镜可以用来观察微小的物体,显微镜的镜头有___________和_________两种,若两镜头分别刻着×5、×25,则该镜头组合可将物体放大________倍。显微镜的基本操作步骤是安放、____________、调焦、放片、观察。 (2)下面是该同学制作口腔上皮细胞装片的操作步骤,其正确的顺序是_________。①盖上盖玻片;②把牙签放在生理盐水中涂抹一下;③取洁净牙签在漱过口的口腔内壁轻刮一下;④在载波片上滴一滴生理盐水;⑤用亚甲基蓝溶液染色。
(1)750厘米2 = 米2
(2)1.3分米3= 毫米3
(3)500毫升 = 厘米3 = 升 = 分米3
(1)生命活动的主要场所是 (填字母),含有遗传物质的是 (填字母),A是 (填名称)。
(2)植物细胞和图示的细胞比较,还有 、
(3)人体结构很复杂,整体结构是一个受精卵经过细胞分裂、生长和 的结果。
动物体具有的组织 主要功能 分布(举一例)
(1) 保护功能 (4)
结缔组织 (5)
(2) 接受刺激、产生并传导刺激 (6)
肌肉组织 (3) 躯体


参考资料:www.shuxue.com.cn www.kexue.xueke.cn
第3个回答  2009-04-04
(本卷满分100分 考试时间90分钟)
2.听小对话,选择正确的答案. 听一遍.(5分)
( ) 6. What time does Lucy go to school?
A. 7:00 B. 7:15 C: 7:50
( ) 7. What’t the weather like ?
A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy
( ) 8. What are they doing now?
A.watching TV B. doing homework C. reading books
( ) 9.What does Hanmei want to be?
A. a doctor B. a policewoman C. a teacher
( ) 10.Where is the library?
A. It’s in front of the post office.
B. It’t next to Hongxing Hotel.
C. It’t next to a school
Conversation A
( )11. What the weather like in Bill’s city(城市)?
A. sunny B.snowy C. cloudy
( ) 12. What are Bill and Jim doing?
A. watching a basketball match
B. doing homework
C. watching a big football match
Conversation B
( )13. What’s LinTao’s mother’s job?
A. a nurse B. a Chinese teacher C. an English teacher
( )14. What does Lin Tao want to be?
A. a bank clerk B. a teacher C. a report
( )15. Why does Tom want to be a reporter?
A. Because it’s interesting
B. Because he can meet interesting people everyday
C. Because he like talking

( )16.-----You are so beautiful today.
A. That’s all right B. Oh, no C. Thank you D. You are welcome
( )17.- What’s Mr. Smith doing ?
- He is telling the students to stop _____to him.
A. to write and listen B. writing and listening
C. to write and listening D. writing and listen
( )18. -Thank you for ________ me with my English.
-You are welcome.
A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help
( ) 19. My father likes _______ books in the evening. He doesn’t often ______ TV.
A. looking at, see B. watches, see C. to read, watches D. reading, watch
( ) 20. Call Jack ___ 557,9638.He has a job for you ___ an actor.
A. for, for B. at, with C. at, as D. in, as
( )21. __________ ? She is a nurse.
A. Where does your mother do? B. What does your mother do?
C. What is your mother doing? D. Who is your mother?
( )22.. – How is it going? -- __________.
A. Terrible. B. Beautiful. C. Pretty good. D. Bad.
( )23. Koalas are in _______.

( )24. _____ is the weather _______ in Beijing?
A. What, like B. What’s, like C. How, like D. How’s, /
( )25. What are you talking ______ the phone.
A. at B. to C. on D. in
( )26. You can get money from the ______ and you can get books in the ______.
A. post office, bank B. bank, garden C. bank, library D. library, bank
( )27. Listen! The birds ________ in the tree(树).
A. sing B. are singing C. singing D. are sing
( )28. She wants to be an actor, ______ it’s an interesting job.
A. and B. or C. because D. but
( )29.—— Is there ______ fruit shop near here?
—— Yes, there’s ______ near here.
A. a, the B. the, a C. a, one D. one, a
( )30. ____right at First Street, the bank is_____ the left.
A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn , on D. Turn, in
Many Americans like to have their vacation in 31 countries. One day an American 32 comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she _ 33 to make some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk 34 with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “ 35 ” to her, then he begins his first talk with someone 36 an English-speaking country.
“How old are you?” the Chinese 37 .
“I’m 38 . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her 39 .” answers the woman.
The Chinese is surprised. He doesn’t know 40 . Can you help him?
( )31. A. an other B. the other C. other D. others
( ) 32. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child
( ) 33. A. want B.go C. goes D. wants
( ) 34. A. with English B. with Chinese C. in English D. in Chinese
( ) 35. A. OK B. Hello C. Sorry D. Good-bye
( ) 36. A. to B. at C. of D. from
( ) 37. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks
( ) 38. A. sure B. shy C. happy D. sorry
( ) 39. A. name B. age C. job D. family
( )40. A. how B. why C. what D. where

From Tuesday to Friday Mr White goes to night school. He wants to learn English. It’s Wednesday morning. Mr White is going to the bus stop. Now he’s waiting for the bus.
The bus is coming. Mr White gets on the bus. He stands next to two old women. The men in front of them are sitting. Two men get up and give the women their seats. The old women take the seats and say, “Thank you very much. It’s very nice of you.”
41. Mr White does not go to night school on ______.
A. Tuesday B. Friday C. Wednesday D. Monday
42. Mr White goes to night school to learn ______.
A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese
43. Now Mr White is waiting ________.
A. at the bus stop B. at school C. at home D. in the factory
44. At first, the two old women are _______.
A. talking B. sitting C. standing D. running
45. The men give their seats to _______.
A.Mr White B. two old women C. two children D. Mr White and two old women

Jack likes his bedroom very much because he likes sleeping. Mike likes the living-room because he likes watching TV and doing other things there. Mary likes the dining-room because she likes eating. They are all my best(最好的) friends. On Sundays they often come to my home. I have a big dining-room. There is a round table and four chairs in it. We often have meals and drink tea there. My mother often cooks for us. She cooks nice dishes. Sometimes I can do the cooking,but I don’t like doing that. I like to eat. My father doesn’t like cooking at all.
46.Jack likes his bedroom because he likes _______.
A.books B.his bed C.sleeping D.eating
47.Who likes eating?
A.Mike. B.Mary. C.Mary and I. D.Jim.
48.Where do they have meals?
A.In the dining-room. B.In the living-room.
C.In the bedroom. D.In the washroom.
49.Who often cooks for the children?
A.The writer’s(作者的) mother. B.The writer’s father.
C.The writer. D.The writer’s parents.
50. Does the father like cooking?
A.Yes. B.No. C.I don’t know. D.I can’t answer.
四、任务型阅读 (5分)
Mrs. Wilson is not tall with curly hair. She comes from Australia. She is our math teacher. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult and boring. Mrs. Wilson is 25 years old. She is very shy (害羞)and kind of serious(严肃的). She never plays games with us. She often sees the films on weekends. And she enjoys reading very much. She has lots of books in her bedroom.

56. How many ______________________(图书馆) are there in your city?
57. My pen pal lives in Paris and she speaks F_________.
58. He likes ____________(看) newspapers on his way home. It’s bad for his eyes.
59. Look! Some people are __________ (躺) on the beach and enjoying themselves.
60 The __________(树叶) turn yellow in autumn(秋天).
61. Please go s_________ and turn right, you’ll find the hotel.
62. Usually I have lunch at home, but s__________ I have it at school.
63. Many ________(孩子) are playing happily under the big tree.
64. Policewomen catch t_________. That’s exciting and dangerous.
65. My mother is sleeping,so please be q______.

leaf, be, panda, sleep, say, take, he, a, Chinese, play
I like 66 very much. There is a new panda in the zoo. So my mother 67 me to see the panda. she’s from 68 , Her name is Linda. She’s beautiful, she likes 69 with her friends and eat bamboos. She doesn’t eat 70 .“She’s shy,”My mother 71 , “So please 72 quiet.”
I find 73 elephant next to the panda. 74 name is Tim. He is big and heavy.
He’s 75 now. I have a good time today.
假设你有一位笔友。介绍他/她的情况。包括姓名、性别、年龄、生日、来自国家、所说语言、喜欢的东西(包括食物、科目、动物、等等)以及简单的原因、职业理想、家庭情况等内容。 字数50以上。

6. A: Lucy, When do you go to school?
B: I go to school at seven fifteen.
7 A: Mum, can I go out to play basketball?
B: No ,it’s raining hard
8. A: Are they watching TV or reading books?
B: They are reading books
9. A: HanMei, what do you want to be ?
B: I want to be a teacher. Because I like children.
10. A: Excuse me ,where is the library?
B: It’s over there , It’s next to Hongxing Hotel.
三、听两段长对话,分别回答11-12 和13-15 的问题(10分)
A: Hello, this is Jim, who is that?
B: Hi, Jim . This is Bill.
A: Oh, Bill, What’s the weather like there?
B: It’s cloudy. What are you doing now? Jim
A: I am watching a big football match.
B: Great! Me too!
A: Lin Tao , Can I ask you some questions?
B: Ok
A: What does your mother do?
B: She is a teacher. She teaches English.
A: What do you want to be?
B: I want to be a teacher too. What about you?Tom
A: I want to be a reporter.. I can meet interesting people everyday.

6-10 BBCCB 11-15 CCCBB
16-20 CBDCB 21-25 CCACC 26-30 CDBCC
31-35 CCDCB 36-40 DADBB
41-45 DBACB 46-50 CCAAB


第4个回答  2009-04-04
1.如图l所示.为了使道路交通更加通畅,杭州市几条主干道架 设了高架道路,高架道路的路面铺设"海绵"沥青,部分路段两侧设有高3 m左右的透明板墙,铺设"海绵"沥青和安装这些板墙的主要目的是 ( )
A.保护车辆行驶安全 B.减小车辆噪声污染
C.增加高架道路美观 D.阻止车辆废气外泄
2.同学们在学习光现象过程中有许多说法,从中选出四种:①光年是一个非常大的时间单位;②"坐井观天,所见甚小"隐含了光的直线传播原理;③平静湖面上的"倒影",说明平面镜成"与物等大正立的像"的规律不成立;④透过书桌上的玻璃板看玻璃板下面的字,看到的是字的虚像。对这些说法的判断正确的是 ( )
A.①②③④都正确 B.①②④正确,③错误
C.②③正确,①④错误 D.②④正确,①③错误
3.下列现象中属于机械运动的是( )
A.五四运动 B.火箭升上天空 C.心情激动 D.铁生锈了
4.下列关于声现象的说法中,正确的是 ( )
A. 悦耳动听的歌声是由声带振动产生的 B. 声音的传播不需要介质,真空也能传声
C. 声音在钢铁中的传播速度小于在水中的传播速度
D. 声音在空气中的传播速度总是340米/秒
5. 在下列有关物体惯性的说法中,正确的是( )
A. 物体的速度越大,惯性越大 B. 不运动的物体没有惯性
C. 匀速行驶的船的船尾处竖直向上抛出一物体,物体落下时将掉入水中
D. 子弹离开枪口后,仍能继续高速向前飞行,是由于子弹具有惯性

1、下列感受器中,对环境温度变化刺激最敏感的是 ( )
A.眼睛 B.耳朵 C.皮肤 D.鼻子
2、用耳朵贴着铁轨的人比站着的人先听到远处火车开来的声音,这是因为( )
A.火车振动不会引起空气振动 B.火车在铁轨中引起的振动传播得慢
C.声音在空气中比在铁轨中传播得慢 D.声音在空气中比在铁轨中传播得快
3、夏日里,晓声同学在距离高墙140m远处敲锣,0.8s后听到回音。那么当时的声速是( )
A.175m/s B.340m/s C.344m/s D.350m/s
4、感受头部位置变动的感受器是 ( )
A.听小骨 B.听神经 C.耳蜗 D.前庭和半规管
5、下列物体一定是光源的是 ( )