

4, reducing the difficulty of the voting securities of small and medium investors in the securities investors did not take part in the basic company shareholders, not because they do not want to attend and participate in general meeting of shareholders to vote, attend one of the main reasons are its high cost of the general meeting of shareholders, is very difficult. Beginning in April 2005 listed companies after the split share structure reform, the establishment of a network because of the voting system, some of the voting shares in circulation reached more than 70%.

(4) strengthen the training of judges Securities job in view of the case falls within the new securities disputes involving complex legal, securities professional knowledge, to this end should be on those who engage in securities disputes and the implementation of the trial judge to conduct securities knowledge training its case and implementation of more accurate and fair.

(5) specific securities disputes under the jurisdiction of the court case at this stage, because of geopolitical relations, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and other disputes in the courts of the securities cases have more experience, more knowledge of the securities know, so it may be considered that the securities dispute cases, especially because of false statements, insider trading and manipulation of securities prices, the Securities and Exchange designated the above-mentioned three cases of abuse to the jurisdiction of the Intermediate People's Court. 3, improve the information disclosure of securities trading systems and information disclosure system of listed companies (1) timely disclosure of listed companies in the distribution of the structure of ownership.

To this end, the authors suggest that absorption of split share structure reform of network experience in voting and try to require each listed company to convene general meeting of shareholders to vote when they opened the network, so that portfolio investors more easily take part in the operation and management of listed companies and decision-making, thereby indirectly controlling shareholders of listed companies to eliminate the phenomenon of Autocracy. 5, strict law enforcement, increased violations of the law increased penalties for violations of the law of punishment, especially for those who are serious consequences to strengthen the impact of major, aggravated the punishment of illegal acts, which will allow the stock market more health, rights and interests of investors and more can be protected.