turn down,refuse,reject,decline,deny,object在表示拒绝的意思时的区别?


  turn down,refuse,reject,decline,deny,object在表示拒绝的意思时的区别如下:
  1、deny “否定”,指否定做某事或拒绝某事。 名词为 denial。接动词作宾语需用动名词。
  1) The boy denied having stealing the passenger’s wallet.
  2) He denied to the police that he had taken part in the robbery.
  3) In response to the inquiry, he made a firm denial of having any knowledge of the crime.
  2、 refuse “拒绝”,语气较强。refuse to do dh. 表示不愿做某事;refuse后接宾语,相当于动词短语turn down的用法。名词为 refusal。
  1) He was very obstinate. He persisted in doing his own way and refused to listen to any advice.
  2) I think that it is wise for the manager to refuse/turn down the lucrative offer to their company.
  3) I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat refusal.
  3、reject “拒绝”、“驳回”,正式用词,强调吧接受、不采纳他人的意见、建议、请求等。名词rejection。
  1) The court rejected the prisoner’s appeal for a new trial.
  2)It is your duty to accept or reject the proposal.
  3) It is apparent that the publisher’s rejection of his manuscript of the article depresses him very much.
  4、 turn down “拒绝”,“驳回”,口语用语,多指拒绝(请求、劝告等),宾语可为人或物,相当于refuse或reject的意思。
  1) When at a party, be sure not to turn down the person who tries to engage you in a conversation.
  2) His impractical suggestion was turned down/rejected by the committee.
  5、 decline “拒绝”、“谢绝”,指礼貌地推辞或谢绝某人的邀请或帮助。
  1) He invited her to dinner, but she declined on account of urgent business.
  2) The actress declined the interview, saying her words have too often been twisted by reporters.
第1个回答  2015-05-20
以上的单词或短语基本上都有拒绝的意思,但还是有细微的差别:turn down 一般是拒绝提议,建议或服务。。
refuse 一般接to do sth. 或者说拒绝某人
reject 拒绝接收,拒绝考虑或同意
decline 谢绝,婉拒
deny 否定,否认
object 反对某人的意见或建议,拒绝