in charge of 和 in the charge of 的区别



    in charge of
    An experienced machanic is in charge of the job. 一位有经验的机械师负责这工作。
    Mary is in charge of the children. 玛丽负责照顾这些孩子。

    in the charge of
    The project is in the charge of an experienced worker. 这项工程是由一位有经验的工人负责的。
    The boy was taken in the charge of his tutor. 这男孩受他的家庭教师管理。


    in charge of 主动,“管理,看管”,主语往往是人
    in the charge of 被动,“被……管理,在……管理之下”,主语一般是物

    in the charge of 也可用 in one's charge 形式。
    Sth is in the charge of Bush. = Bush is in charge of sth.


    at play 在玩
    at the play 在看戏

    behind time 迟到
    behind the times 落在时代后

    by day 在白天
    by the day 按日计算

    by sea 乘船
    by the sea 在海边

    in front of 在……(外面的)前面
    in the front of 在……(内部的前面)

    in charge of 看护,负责
    in the charge of 由……看护,由……负责

    in secret 秘密地(作状语)
    in the secret 知道内情(作表语)

    in course of 在……过程中(作表语/后置定语)
    in the course of 在……期间(作状语)

    in red 穿着红衣服
    in the red 负债,赤字

    of age 成年
    of an age (岁数)同年

    on fire 着火
    on the fire 在考虑中

    on occasion 不时地,必要时
    on the occasion 在那时

    out of question 毫无疑问
    out of the question 不可能

    to death 十分
    to the death 到最后

    five of us 我们中的五人(部分)
    the five of us 我们五个人(全部)

    a yellow and white cat 一只黄白相间的猫
    a yellow and a white cat 一只黄猫和一只白猫

    in a faimly way 象一家人一样
    in the family way 怀孕

    die of cold 冻死
    die of a cold 感冒而死

    have words with 与……争吵
    have a word with 与……略谈

    keep house 管理家务
    keep the house 守在家里

    take rest 就寝
    take a reat 休息一下

    take place 发生
    take the place of 代替
