
But more recently, neural stem cells derived from adult animals-which also differentiate into the three cell types-have caused problems. As Christoph Hofstetter of the Karolinnska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and his colleagues reported in Nature Neuroscience in March, neural stem cell treatments led to some recovery in rat’s paralyzed hind legs, but the animals also developed a chronic pain sensitivity in their forelegs, which had been unaffected by the injury. In other experiments, preventing the formation of astrocytes seemed to eliminate the side effect, thus highlighting the importance of proper differentiation, Svendsen says.

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But more recently, neural stem cells derived from adult animals-which also differentiate into the three cell types-have caused problems.
As Christoph Hofstetter of the Karolinnska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and his colleagues reported in Nature Neuroscience in March, neural stem cell treatments led to some recovery in rat’s paralyzed hind legs, but the animals also developed a chronic pain sensitivity in their forelegs, which had been unaffected by the injury.
来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩Karolinnska研究机构的Christoph Hofstetter和他的同事三月份在Nature Neuroscience(注:应该是一本杂志,可以翻译成《自然神经系统科学》)上发表的报告声称,神经干细胞可以使老鼠瘫痪的后腿逐渐康复,但是被试验的动物的前腿也同样产生了非伤所导致的慢性疼痛的特征。
In other experiments, preventing the formation of astrocytes seemed to eliminate the side effect, thus highlighting the importance of proper differentiation, Svendsen says.
