

"Enough" 在英语中读作 /ɪˈnʌf/,是一个常用的形容词和副词,表示足够的、充足的、足够地、充分地等含义。


1. 形容词用法

作为形容词,"enough" 通常修饰名词或代词,表示足够的或充足的。例如:

- Is there enough food for everyone?

- I don't have enough money to buy a new car.

- She is old enough to take care of herself.

"enough" 还可以用于否定句中,表示不足够的或不充足的。例如:

- There isn't enough time to finish the project.

- He didn't study enough for the exam.

2. 副词用法

作为副词,"enough" 通常修饰形容词或副词,表示足够地或充分地。例如:

- She is smart enough to solve the problem.

- He sings well enough to be a professional singer.

- The water is hot enough for a bath.

"enough" 也可以用于肯定句中,表示非常或极其。例如:

- She is kind enough to help others.

- The scenery is beautiful enough to take your breath away.

3. 固定搭配

"enough" 还有一些常用的固定搭配,例如:

- "enough is enough":表示已经够了,不再需要更多。

- "have had enough":表示不再想要或接受更多。

- "not good enough":表示不够好或不符合要求。

- "close enough":表示接近或差不多。

- "sleep enough":表示睡足够的时间。

总之,"enough" 是一个非常常用的词汇,可以用于多种语境中。掌握其用法和固定搭配对于学习英语和提高英语表达能力都非常有帮助。
