急求关于Do you like fast food?Why or why not?的5人英语对话,每人5句以上。大学口语考试用。好的追加10


A Hey man, did you see the McDonald's commercial on TV last night, they were advertising big macs deal two for three dollars.
B yeah, I saw that one, it almost made me want to go there last night. I like eating a big juicy burger.
C what are you guys talking about?
D Those two are blathering about the Big Mac ad they saw last night, and I would never eat that kind of food even it is for free.
C Oh, I am not a big fan of fast food either, but I do eat their salads every once in a while, just to have the little mandarin orange slices they put in them.
E those salads are the worst, I remember when they first came out, I ate lots of them for lunch, but I gained a few pounds very fast. I then looked up the nutrition information on line, believe it or not, they actually contain more calories than a medium size meal.
A I knew about that too, of course I never bothered to try the salads, I hate veggies.
B maybe it is a good idea to stick with just burgers, fries and coke.
E I will never eat those salad again. I never liked the other stuff from them, just when I thought fast food places are inventing new ways to attract more health conscious people, what they put out was more junk than their hamburgers.
D I guess we now have even more reasons to resist eating fast food, they are making salads just as unhealthy as those greasy hamburgers. This really makes me want to think twice about why those businesses should still be around.
E I am just saying they will never squeeze a dollar out of me again.
C all they want is your money, they could care less about the health of its customers.
A what do you know about fast food, aside from not eating at those places, you two shouldn't bad mouth them.
C one thing I do know, because I did a research on their nutritions, I found that most of the items on their menu don't provide enough nutrients an average person needs. The food are high in calories, high in fat, high in sodium and low in vitamins.
D I agree, I always feel thirsty after a bite of their sandwiches.
B I really would go to a restaurant with healthier choice of foods if I had more money in my pocket. Who wouldn't? When u said that fast food has very high level of fat, what exactly are you saying besides the obvious fat from hamburger patties?
C well, their salads for instance, with the packet of dressing they give you, it containes over 30 grams of fat. 30 grams account for half of what you are supposed to eat in one day! The french fries are not fried in vegetable oil, they often use shortening which is worse for your body than animal fat is.
A I know about shortenings too, they used to use them in all kinds of pastries back in the 70s, that's when they mass produced the cookies we see on the shelves today, shortening keeps the food from going bad.
E so do you really think the artificial fat that prolongs the shelf life of a cookies can do your body any good.
A I guess not, it could somehow mess up my body.
B I think I will not go eat there as often as I did before, upon hearing this, I really think I need to eat healthier foods to make up what I lost.
E I am really glad that you too are starting to realize the danger of eating fast food.
D not that I am promising not to set foot into those places again, I certainly would visit them less often. Maybe I will skip the dressing when I do have the salad their.
C wow, I think my job is done here. A little hard evidence turned two carnivores into vegans.
B not yet, I still love milk and a good steak.
A yeah, steak is whats for dinner.
第1个回答  2009-05-31
Hi,Mary,where are you going to have your lunch after class?
I just want to have some simple food,like fast food,for I have too much homework to do.
Hi, you two.I am going to have lunch at KFC.Can I buy you some?
What?Again,you want to have KFC,Mike?You know it is junk food.
But it can really save time.You know I have homework,too.
No way out.I also know fast food is not good enough.But we have to.
I agree.It doesn't matter to have fast food once a week.
You should be responsible for your health.I suggest that we have Chinese food.
What are you talking about?
We are talking about what we should have for our lunch.
I have no idea on what to have for lunch.What's your suggestion?
Chinese food.
But Chinese food is too expensive.
But it is much better than to buy medicine after you are ill.
That's right.
Ok.Let's have some fast food for lunch for the last time .
Ok.No problem.I agree.
Wish I will not be ill for the last time.
You are as strong as a horse.
I am sure I will have no problem.I eat like a bird.
第2个回答  2009-05-31
1.choose(2) 2.chop(2) 3.christmas(3) 4.cigar(2) 5.city(3)
6.*civil(6) 7.claim(5) 8.class(6) 9.classmate(5) 10.clean(3)词组 11.*clear(9)词组 12.*climb(6) 13.clock(3) 14.*close(14)

①civil->civilian->civic->civil+ize->civil+iz+ation .
