
Dear Mike
Here is.......

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Here is an example of an invitation letter:

< Visitors name >
< Visitor’s Address >

Dear < name>

I am doing fine, and hope the same for you. I am inviting you to visit us and spend your vacation in USA with us. During your stay, we would visit various tourist places in USA such as New York, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, Las Angeles, Disney Land etc. It will also be an opportunity for you to see and experience the American culture, meet different kinds of people and different variety of food.

I will be taking care of your entire USA tour expenses, including the round trip air fare to USA, food, housing, travel within USA, medical insurance and all your other personal expenses. You will be staying with us at our above given residential address.

Herewith I’m sending all the required documents for getting the necessary tourist visa from the US Consulate, <in Nigeria>

I am eagerly waiting for your arrival in USA.


( Your Name)