

IMBD排名 top 50
1.《星球大战之帝国反击战》Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980
2. 《星球大战》Star Wars 1977
3.《骇客帝国》The Matrix 1999
4.《机器人总动员》WALL· E 2008
5.《异形》Alien 1979
6.《终结者2》Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991
7.《异形2》Aliens 1986
8.《大都会》Metropolis 1927
9.《致命魔术》 The Prestige 2006
10.《2001太空漫游》2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
11.《回到未来》Back to the Future 1985
12.《银翼杀手》Blade Runner 1982
13.《星球大战之杰迪归来》 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 1983
15.《伊万·瓦西里耶维奇换职业》Ivan Vasilevich menyaet professiyu 1973
16.《星舰前传》tar Trek 2009
17.《怪形》The Thing 1982
18.《V字仇杀队》V for Vendetta 2005
19.《终结者》The Terminator 1984
20.《弗兰肯斯坦》Frankenstein 1931
21.《人类之子》Children of Men 2006
22.《十二猴子》 Twelve Monkeys 1995
23.《外星奇遇》Kin-Dza-Dza 1986
24.《科学怪人的新娘》Bride of Frankenstein 1935
25.《地球停转之日》The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951
26.《风之谷》Kaze no tani no Naushika 1984
27.《潜行者》Stalker 1979
28.《这个男人来自地球》The Man from Earth 2007
29.《天外魔花》Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956
30.《人猿星球》Planet Of The Apes 1968
31.《新科学怪人》Young Frankenstein 1974
32.《巴西》Brazil 1985
33.《活死人之夜》Night of the Living Dead 1968
34.《飞向太空》Solyaris 1972
35.《穿越时空的少女》Toki o kakeru sh?jo 2006
36.《性·任务》Seksmisja 1984 --
37.《钢铁侠》Iron Man 2008
38.《楚门的世界》The Truman Show 1998
39.《守望者》Watchmen 2009
40.《大逃杀》Batoru rowaiaru 2000
41.《攻壳机动队》K?kaku kid?tai: Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society 2006
42.《刑房》Grindhouse 2007
43.《萤火虫》Serenity 2005
44.《外星人》E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial 1982
45.《失魂岛》Island of Lost Souls 1932
46.《钢铁巨人》The Iron Giant 1999
47.《隐形人》The Invisible Man 1933
48.《圣山》The Holy Mountain 1973
49.《睁开眼睛》Abre los ojos 1997
50.《星球大战之西斯的复仇》Star Wars: Episode ||| - Revenge of the Sith 2005



第1个回答  2009-05-12
第2个回答  2009-05-12