
帮小弟翻译几个句子啊 谢谢了 好人有好报啊 ~~~~(>_<)~~~~
3他们已经详细的讨论了他们的旅行计划(in detail)
4我们最关心的是那个城市饮用水的质量(be concerned in)
5我不希望你卷入这场经济丑闻中去(be involoed in)
6不要妄想把你自己的观点强加在我身上(impose on)
7你的行为与我们的原则有冲突(in conflict with)
8在热带气候里呆了几个月后,相比之下他觉得西班牙很凉爽by comparison)
9我不明白这块塑料板是怎样变成一顶帐篷的(convert into)
12他以惊人的毅力在药物的帮助下最终战胜了病魔(amazing,fight off)
14要是你按分期付款(hire purchase)够买东西,你得按月付款(pay out)
15音乐会开始之前,乐师们把他们的乐器调好音(tune up)
16尽可能的给予穷人帮助是我们的责任(be up to)

High tuition discouraged the poor students to entrance the universities .

Mr.Smith is planning to travel to Europe,he will convert the USD to Euro.

3他们已经详细的讨论了他们的旅行计划(in detail)
They've discussed their travelling plan in detail.

4我们最关心的是那个城市饮用水的质量(be concerned in)

5我不希望你卷入这场经济丑闻中去(be involoed in)
I don't like you will be involoved in this economy scandal.

6不要妄想把你自己的观点强加在我身上(impose on)
Don't try to impose your point of view on me.

7你的行为与我们的原则有冲突(in conflict with)
You action is in conflict with our principle

8在热带气候里呆了几个月后,相比之下他觉得西班牙很凉爽by comparison)
After staying in tropical climate for several month,he feels Spain is cool by comparison.

9我不明白这块塑料板是怎样变成一顶帐篷的(convert into)
I don't understand how this plastic panel converted into a tent.

I think children can appreciate modern painting better than anyother ones.

The spokeman was bombard with questions in the press conference.

12他以惊人的毅力在药物的帮助下最终战胜了病魔(amazing,fight off)
With the help of the drug,His amazing stamina fight off the disease eventually.

The speaker quoted another example to illustrate his point of view.

14要是你按分期付款(hire purchase)够买东西,你得按月付款(pay out)
You need to payout monthly as long as you buy something by hire purchase.

15音乐会开始之前,乐师们把他们的乐器调好音(tune up)
The DJ turn up the musical instrument before the concert .

16尽可能的给予穷人帮助是我们的责任(be up to)
It's our responsibility to be up to helping the poor.
第1个回答  2009-03-28
我的水平有限, 也试一试吧,
1. The High tution fees which are discourging the students to go to college.

2. Mr.Smith is planning to have a trip to Europe, and he tries to convert his us dollors to euro.

3. They have already discussed their trip plan in detail.

4. The most we are concerned in is quality of water in that city.

5. I don't want you to be involved in the economic scandales.

6. Don't ever try to impose your opinion on me.

7. Your behavors are in conflict with our principles.

8. After stayed few months in 热带气候, he feels it's a lot cooler in spain by comparison.

9. I dont' understand how this 塑料板 converts into a tent

10. I think the children nowadays are more appreciate the moderm drawing than anyone else.

11. ??

12. he has fought off the disease with the help of medecine and his azmazing 毅力.

13. ??

14. ??

15. The muscians tune up their instruments before the concert starts.

16. ??