我写的是p=zeros(10000,10000); 结果运行命令窗口 : p=zeros(10000,10000) ??? Error using ==> zeros Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options. 出现这样的情况? 为了提高精度啊!没办法啊!我程序里面有两个p1=zeros(10000,10000); p2=zeros(10000,10000); 每次都是第二个报错!有没有其他办法解决的?高手指教啊!
MEMORY Help for memory limitations. If the OUT OF MEMORY error message is encountered, there is no more room in memory for new variables. You must free up some space before you may proceed. One way to free up space is to delete some variables (see CLEAR). Another is to issue the command PACK (See PACK). PACK compresses the data in memory, opening up larger contiguous blocks.(如果遇到错误信息OUT OF MEMORY,说明内存不能为新的变量开辟空间了,你必须在你处理前释放一下空间。释放空间的一种方式是删除一些变量,另一种是使用pack命令。。)
Here are some additional system specific tips: Windows: Increase virtual memory by using System in the Control Panel. Unix: Ask your system manager to increase your Swap Space.