

  First Book: The History

  Chapter 1

  The Italians

  At the revival of civilisation in Europe, no county was in so

  favourable a position as Italy in respect to commerce and industry.

  Barbarism had not been able entirely to eradicate the culture and

  civilisation of ancient Rome. A genial climate and a fertile soil,

  notwithstanding an unskilful system of cultivation, yielded

  abundant nourishment for a numerous population. The most necessary

  arts and industries remained as little destroyed as the municipal

  institutions of ancient Rome. Prosperous coast fisheries served

  everywhere as nurseries for seamen, and navigation along Italy's

  extensive sea-coasts abundantly compensated her lack of internal

  means of transport. Her proximity to Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt,

  and her maritime intercourse with them, secured for Italy special

  advantages in the trade with the East which had previously, though

  not extensively, been carried on through Russia with the countries

  of the North. By means of this commercial intercourse Italy

  necessarily acquired those branches of knowledge and those arts and

  manufactures which Greece had preserved from the civilisation of

  ancient times.

  From the period of the emancipation of the Italian cities by

  Otho the Great, they gave evidence of what history was testified

  alike in earlier and later times, namely, that freedom and industry

  are inseparable companions, even although not unfrequently the one

  has come into existence before the other. If commerce and industry

  are flourishing anywhere, one may be certain that there freedom is

  nigh at hand: if anywhere Freedom was unfolded her banner, it is as

  certain that sooner or later industry will there establish herself;

  for nothing is more natural than that when man has acquired

  material or mental wealth he should strive to obtain guarantees for

  the transmission of his acquisitions to his successors, or that

  when he has acquired freedom, he should devote all his energies to

  improve his physical and intellectual condition.

  For the first time since the downfall of the free states of

  antiquity was the spectacle again presented to the world by the

  cities of Italy of free and rich communities. Cities and

  territories reciprocally rose to a state of prosperity and received

  a powerful impulse in that direction from the Crusades.

  As matters actually stood, however, Venice was not merely left

  to her own resources, she found herself crippled by the external

  attacks of her sister states and of the neighbonring European


  It could not have proved a difficult task to a well-organised

  league of Italian military powers to defend the independence of

  Italy against the aggression of the great monarchies. The attempt

  to form such a league was actually made in 1526, but then not until

  the moment of actual danger and only for temporary defence. The

  lukewarmness and treachery of the leaders and members of this

  league were the cause of the subsequent subjugation of Milan and

  the fall of the Tuscan Republic. From that period must be dated the

  downfall of the industry and commerce of Italy.(4*)

  In her earlier as well as in her later history Venice aimed at

  being a nation for herself alone. So long as she had to deal only

  with petty Italian powers or with decrepid Greece, she had no

  difficulty in maintaining a supremacy in manufactures and commerce

  through the countries bordering on the Mediterranean and Black

  Seas. As soon, however, as united and vigorous nations appeared on

  the political stage, it became manifest at once that Venice was

  merely a city and her aristocracy only a municipal one. It is true

  that she had conquered several islands and even extensive

  provinces, but she ruled over them only as conquered territory, and

  hence (according to the testimony of all historians) each conquest

  increased her weakness instead of her power

  At the same period the spirit within the Republic by which she

  had grown great gradually died away. The power and prosperity of

  Venice -- the work of a patriotic and heroic aristocracy which had

  sprung from an energetic and liberty-loving democracy-maintained

  itself and increased so long as the freedom of democratic energy

  lent it support, and that energy was guided by the patriotism, the

  wisdom, and the heroic spirit of the aristocracy. But in proportion

  as the aristocracy became a despotic oligarchy, destructive of the

  freedom and energies of the people, the roots of power and

  prosperity died away, notwithstanding that their branches and

  leading stem appeared still to flourish for some time longer.'(5*)

  A nation which has fallen into slavery,' says Montesquieu,(6*)

  'strives rather to retain what it possesses than to acquire more;

  a free nation, on the contrary, strives rather to acquire than to

  retain.' To this very true observation he might have added -- and

  because anyone strives only to retain without acquiring he must

  come to grief, for every nation which makes no forward progress

  sinks lower and lower, and must ultimately fall. Far from striving

  to extend their commerce and to make new discoveries, the Venetians

  never even conceived the idea of deriving benefit from the

  discoveries made by other nations. That they could be excluded from

  the trade with the East Indies by the discovery of the new

  commercial route thither, never occurred to them until they

  actually experienced it. What all the rest of the world perceived

  they would not believe; and when they began to find out the

  injurious results of the altered state of things, they strove to

  maintain the old commercial route instead of seeking to participate

  in the benefits of the new one; they endeavoured to maintain by

  petty intrigues what could only be won by making wise use of the

  altered circumstances by the spirit of enterprise and by hardihood.

  And when they at length had lost what they had possessed, and the

  wealth of the East and West indies was pouted into Cadiz and Lisbon

  instead of into their own ports, like simpletons or spendthrifts

  they turned their attention to alchemy.(7*)

  In the times when the Republic grew and flourished, to be

  inscribed in the Golden Book was regarded as a reward for

  distinguished exertions in commerce, in industry, or in the civil

  or military service of the State. On that condition this honour was

  open to foreigners; for example, to the most distinguished of the

  silk manufacturers who had immigrated from Florence.(8*) But that

  book was closed when men began to regard places of honour and State

  salaries as the family inheritance of the patrician class. At a

  later period, when men recognised the necessity of giving new life

  to the impoverished and enfeebled aristocracy, the book was

  reopened. But the chief title to inscription in it was no longer,

  as in former times, to have rendered services to the State, but the

  possession of wealth and noble birth. At length the honour of being

  inscribed in the Golden Book was so little esteemed, that it

  remained open for a century with scarcely any additional names.

  If we inquire of History what were the causes of the downfall

  of this Republic and of its commerce, she replies that they

  principally consisted in the folly, neglect, and cowardice of a

  worn-out aristocracy, and in the apathy of a people who had sunk

  into slavery. The commerce and manufactures of Venice must have

  declined, even if the new route round the Cape of Good Hope had

  never been discovered.

  The cause of it, as of the fall of all the other Italian

  republics, is to be found in the absence of national unity, in the

  domination of foreign powers, in priestly rule at home, and in the

  rise of other greater, more powerful, and more united nationalities

  in Europe.

  If we carefully consider the commercial policy of Venice, we

  see at a glance that that of modern commercial and manufacturing

  nations is but a copy of that of Venice, only on an enlarged (i.e.

  a national) scale. By navigation laws and customs duties in each

  case native vessels and native manufactures were protected against

  those of foreigners, and the maxim thus early held good that it was

  sound policy to import raw materials from other states and to

  export to them manufactured goods.(9*)

  It has been recently asserted in defence of the principle of

  absolute and unconditional free trade, that her protective policy

  was the cause of the downfall of Venice. That assertion comprises

  a little truth with a great deal of error if we investigate the

  history of Venice with an unprejudiced eye, we find that in her

  case, as in that of the great kingdoms at a later period, freedom

  of international trade as well as restrictions on it have been

  beneficial or prejudicial to the power and prosperity of the State

  at different epochs. Unrestricted freedom of trade was beneficial

  to the Republic in the first years of her existence; for how

  otherwise could she have raised herself from a mere fishing village

  to a commercial power? But a protective policy was also beneficial

  to her when she had arrived at a certain stage of power and wealth,

  for by means of it she attained to manufacturing and commercial

  supremacy. Protection first became injurious to her when her

  manufacturing and commercial power had reached that supremacy,

  because by it all competition with other nations became absolutely

  excluded, and thus indolence was encouraged. Therefore, not the

  introduction of a protective policy, but perseverance in

  maintaining it after the reasons for its introduction had passed

  away, was really injurious to Venice.

  Hence the argument to which we have adverted has this great

  fault, that it takes no account of the rise of great nations under

  hereditary monarchy. Venice, although mistress of some provinces

  and islands, yet being all the time merely one Italian city, stood

  in competition, at the period of her rise to a manufacturing and

  commercial power, merely with other Italian cities; and her

  prohibitory commercial policy could benefit her so long only as

  whole nations with united power did not enter into competition with

  her. But as soon as that took place, she could only have maintained

  her supremacy by placing herself at the head of a united Italy and

  by embracing in her commercial system the whole Italian nation. No

  commercial policy was ever clever enough to maintain continuously

  the commercial supremacy of a single city over united nations.

  From the example of Venice (so far as it may be adduced against

  a protective commercial policy at the present time) neither more

  nor less can be inferred than this -- that a single city or a small

  state cannot establish and maintain such a policy successfully in

  competition with great states and kingdoms; also that any power

  which by means of a protective policy has attained a position of

  manufacturing and commercial supremacy, can (after she has attained

  it) revert with advantage to the policy of free trade.

  In the argument before adverted to, as in every other when

  international freedom of trade is the subject of discussion, we

  meet with a misconception which has been the parent of much error,

  occasioned by the misuse of the term 'freedom.' Freedom of trade is

  spoken of in the same terms as religious freedom and municipal

  freedom. Hence the friends and advocates of freedom feel themselves

  especially bound to defend freedom in all its forms. And thus the

  term 'free trade' has become popular without drawing the necessary

  distinction between freedom of internal trade within the State and

  freedom of trade between separate nations, notwithstanding that

  these two in their nature and operation are as distinct as the

  heaven is from the earth. For while restrictions on the internal

  trade of a state are compatible in only very few cases with the

  liberty of individual citizens, in the case of international trade

  the highest degree of individual liberty may consist with a high

  degree of protective policy. Indeed, it is even possible that the

  greatest freedom of international trade may result in national

  servitude, as we hope hereafter to show from the case of Poland. In

  respect to this Montesquieu says truly, 'Commerce is never

  subjected to greater restrictions than in free nations, and never

  subjected to less ones than in those under despotic



  1. De l'Ecluse, Florence et ses Vicissitudes, pp. 23, 26, 32, 163,


  2. Pechio, Histoire de l'Economie Politique en Italie.

  3. Amalfi contained at the period of her prosperity 50,000

  inhabitants. Flavio Guio, the inventor of the mariner's compass,

  was a citizen of Amalfi. It was the sack of Amalfi by the Pisans

  (1135 or 1137) that that ancient book was discovered which later on

  became so injurious to the freedom and energies of Germany -- the


  4. Hence Charles V was the destroyer of commerce and industry in

  Italy, as he was also in the Netherlands and in Spain. He was the

  introducer of nobility by patent, and of the idea that it was

  disgraceful for the nobility to carry on commerce or manufactures

  -- an idea which had the most destructive influence on the national

  industry. Before his time the contrary idea prevailed; the Medici

  continued to be engaged in commerce long after they had become

  sovereign rulers.

  5. "Quand les nobles, au lien de verser leur sang pour la patrie,

  au lieu d'illustrer l'etat par des victoires et de l'agrandir par

  des conquetes, n'eurent plus qu'a jouir des honneurs et a se

  partager des impots on dut se demander pourquoi il y avait huit ou

  neuf cents habitants de Venice qui se disaient proprietaries de

  toute la Republique." (Daru, Histoire de Venise, vol. iv. ch.


  6. Esprit des Lois, p. 192.

  7. A mere charlatan, Marco Brasadino, who professed to have the art

  of making gold, was welcomed by the Venetian aristocracy as a

  saviour. (Daru, Histoire de Venise, vol. iii. ch. xix.)

  8. Venice, as Holland and England subsequently did, made use of

  every opportunity of attracting to herself manufacturing industry

  and capital from foreign states. Also a considerable number of silk

  manufacturers emigrated to Venice from Luces, where already in the

  thirteenth century the manufacturer of velvets and brocades was

  very flourishing, in consequence of the oppression of the Lucchese

  tyrant Castruccio Castracani. (Sandu, Histoire de Venise, vol. i.

  pp. 247-256.)

  9. Sismondi, Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, Pt. I, p. 285.

  10. Esprit des Lois, livre xx. ch. xii.