假定你是西安某一中学高三学生李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到如下的一个帖子: With the college entr

假定你是西安某一中学高三学生李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到如下的一个帖子: With the college entrance examination approaching, quite a few students are suffering mental problems. It does great harm to their study and health. What can we do to help those students?请你回帖,要点如下: 1. 列出某些学生心理焦虑的现象; 2. 提出应该采取的对策(如积极态度和应对方法)。注意:1. 文章的开头已经给出(不计人总词数),可适当发挥; 2. 词数:120左右。 I agree with what you said. That many students have some mental problems also worries me.

I agree with what you said. That many students have some mental problems also worries me. Some students are so worried about exams and academic achievements that they can’t fall asleep at night. Some are discouraged and tend to lose their confidence because of constant failure in exams. Others can’t get along well with their parents or with their classmates. They always feel stressed and easily get angry.
As a matter of fact, there’re many ways for us to deal with our mental problems. First of all, we can turn to our teachers for help, including our teacher of psychology. Second, communication is of vital importance. When we have a talk about our problems with our friends or classmates, we can feel greatly relieved. Last but not least, we need to develop a positive attitude towards our studies and our life. With the mental problems removed, we will keep in normal mental health and study happily.

【亮点说明】范文涵盖了所有的要点,语言简洁,但是不乏好的词组和句式:tend to往往,容易, get along well with 和…相处好,As a matter of fact事实上, deal with处理, turn to sb for help向某人求助,of vital importance 非常重要,I agree with what you said.这句话用了宾语从句, That many students have some mental problems also worries me. 这句话用了主语从句,Some students are so worried about exams and academic achievements that they can’t fall asleep at night. 这句话用了so…that…的句型,With the mental problems removed, we will keep in normal mental health and study happily.这句话用了with复合结构,还有范文还使用了:First of all, Second, Last but not least,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。