英语作文In the park 关于在公园里玩的


Today is Sunday. There are many people in the park. My friend and I go to the park. Some children in play football. We play basketball. We enjoy ourselves. But we're tired and thirsty. We had some ice cream. I like the park.
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第1个回答  2012-06-08
it's a sunnuy day in winter. many people are in the park .there are children, teenagers,alduts,and senior citizens.most people are just walking around and enjoy the warm sunshine in the park.there are swings in the park,they are flying with the children's laughters. the seniors mostly like some quiet and peaceful activities,such as paly cheese, another seniors just sit still on the park bench staring the beyond ,lost in the time and memories of the old time ,there are also lovers ,families ,laughers and happiness in the park, what a beautiful pictures in the park!
第2个回答  2012-05-30
The Rules In The Park In the park, you can do the exercise. You 公园的规则 在公园里,你可以作操。 你可以跑步、羽毛球。你可以走路。