"They will regret opposing me." 他们将后悔与我为敌
"Scurry, weakling." 快跑吧,胆小鬼
"Death by my hand." 我将带给你死亡
"Exploit every weakness." 抓住敌人的弱点
"Witness true strength." 见识一下真正的力量吧
"Unmatched power" 无可匹敌的力量
"With overwhelming force." 蛮力将战胜一切
"Carve a path." 开辟新的道路
"I will not rest." 我将不会停止
"Strength above all." 力量高于一切
"Never retreat!" 永不撤退
"I have my orders." 我有自己的使命
"Stay alert." 保持警惕
"Noxus will rise." 诺克萨斯即将崛起
"My destiny is clear." 我的命运非常清楚
"I do not tolerate cowardice." 我无法忍受懦弱的人
"Make no mistakes." 一击毙命
"Noxuuu... whoa... whoa! How does he do it?" 啊哈哈 是什么支撑你这么做的?
"Noxuuu... whoa... whoa! Dizzy." 啊哈哈 我要头晕了 (注:向盖伦致敬)
"Don't turn your back or expose your neck." 我要把背或者脖子朝向我
"Defy Noxus and taste your own blood." 藐视诺克萨斯将付出血的代价