
有distrib、mbr、date三列。需要查询不同date条件下1-3月和4-6月的mbr会员数量,并且输出1-3月 as a和4-6月as b两列,且group by distrib

with t1 as
select distinct(distrib) distrib from table1 where DATEPART(M,date)>=1 and DATEPART(M,date)<=6
),t2 as
select distrib,COUNT(mbr) as a from table1 where DATEPART(M,date)>=1 and DATEPART(M,date)<=3
group by distrib
),t3 as
select distrib,COUNT(mbr) as b from table1 where DATEPART(M,date)>=4 and DATEPART(M,date)<=6
group by distrib
)select t1.distrib,t2.a,t3.b from t1
left join t2 on t1.distrib=t2.distrib
left join t3 on t1.distrib=t3.distrib