









第1个回答  2012-06-08
In 1978, the Harvard University launched the" academia quiet revolution"," basic course

" Instead of" general curriculum". The so-called" basic course, is the only comprehensive traditional

The basic content of legislative subjects to all students, to provide common background knowledge for the purpose of

A curriculum". Foundation course by six kinds of big ten domains, are " paper

Science and art" ( wherein ABC three areas )," science" ( wherein AB two collar

Domain )," history" ( wherein AB two areas )," social analysis"," foreign

Culture" and" moral reason". All the students must be from the ten field

Elective eight areas of the curriculum, and in the university two years ago to be completed (basically be before three to learn

第2个回答  2012-06-08
In 1978, Harvard University launched "academia quiet revolution", with "basic course

"Instead of the original" General course ". So-called basic course is the "integrated traditional alone

State basic content in the subject, to provide all students with a common background for the purpose of

A curriculum ". Basic course is made up of six class ten areas, namely "

Science and art "(where ABC three areas), and" Science "(AB two collar

Field), "history" (AB two areas), "socio-analysis", "foreign

Culture "and" moral reason ". All arts and science students must be from one of the ten areas

Elective courses in eight areas, and completed two years before University (mainly the first three本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-06-08
In 1978, Harvard University launched the "peaceful revolution academic circles", with "foundation course

"Instead of the original" ordinary course. "the so-called foundation course, is" integrated traditional alone

The basic content made subject to provide common to all the students knowledge background for the purpose

A curriculum ". By six kinds basic course of ten fields, which are "wen

Science and art "(including points ABC three areas)," science "(including points AB two brought

Domain), "history" (including points AB two fields), "social analysis" and "foreign

Culture "and" moral reason. "all the admitted students must be from the ten in the field

Take eight field course, and in the university two years before completed (mainly the first three learn?