
There are some kinds of sharks in the a( ).
He wants to live in Beijing in the f( ).
He is good at English.He m( ) in English.

Guangdong is in ( )<south> China.
Who is ( )<tall> of the three?

What's she doing ( ) vacation?
My friend si different ( ) me.
Please put one slice of bread on the top ( ) another.
He is the tallest ( ) our class.
He often goes to school ( ) having breakfast.<是before或after吗?have怎么要加ing?>
Japan is ( )the east of China.
Vegetables can help you to keep ( )good health.

hard hardly
The bed was so ( ) that it took me a long time to fall asleep.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
He can ( ) speak English,can he?(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
take spend cost pay
The journey will ( ) too much.
Will you lend me fifty yuan?I'll ( ) you back next week.
It ( ) them over two years to build the bridge.
He often ( ) his spare time (in) helping his parents on the farm.<这道题书上那个in加了个括号,不知道是打错了还是怎么的,有可能多打了个括号吧)
a number of the number of
( ) students in our school are from the town.
( ) students in his school is rising year by year.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
join take part in
We ( ) the meeting yesterday afternoon.
He ( ) the army after he graduated from middle school.
finally at last in the end
He tired many times and ( ) succeeded.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
( ) he finished the work and he could rest.
They won ( ).
alive living
He is the finest ( ) pianist.
Who is the greatest man ( )?
practice exercise
Please do ( ) on the page 36.
You must ( ) speaking English more.
maybe may be
The girl ( ) on the playground.
( ) they are at school.
lend keep
How long can I ( ) the book? Two weeks.
Could you ( ) some paper to me?

There are some kinds of sharks in the aquarium.
He wants to live in Beijing in the future.
He is good at English.He majors in English.

Guangdong is in (southern)<south> China.
Who is (the tallest)<tall> of the three?

What's she doing (on) vacation?
My friend is different (from) me.
Please put one slice of bread on the top (of) another.
He is the tallest (in) our class.
He often goes to school (after) having breakfast.<是before或after吗?have怎么要加ing?> having breakfast是动名词词组
Japan is (to)the east of China.
Vegetables can help you to keep (in)good health.

hard hardly
The bed was so (hard) that it took me a long time to fall asleep.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
so...that 太...以至于
He can (hardly) speak English,can he?(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
hardly 几乎不
take spend cost pay
The journey will (cost) too much.
Will you lend me fifty yuan?I'll (pay) you back next week.
It (took) them over two years to build the bridge.
It took...to...固定用法,it是形式主语。
He often (spends) his spare time (in) helping his parents on the farm.<这道题书上那个in加了个括号,不知道是打错了还是怎么的,有可能多打了个括号吧)
spend耗费 主语是he,所以要三单一
a number of the number of
(A number of) students in our school are from the town.
a number of许多的
(The number of) students in his school is rising year by year.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
the number of ...的数量
join take part in
We (took part in) the meeting yesterday afternoon.
take part in参加
yesterday afternoon所以用一般过去时
He (joined) the army after he graduated from middle school.
join the army参军,固定搭配
finally at last in the end
He tired many times and (at last) succeeded.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)
at last最后
(Finally) he finished the work and he could rest.
They won (in the end).
in the end最后
alive living
He is the finest (living) pianist.
Who is the greatest man (alive)?
practice exercise
Please do (exercises) on the page 36.
You must (practise) speaking English more.
pactise 练习,千万不能和其名词practice混为一谈
maybe may be
The girl (may be) on the playground.
may be可能是
(Maybe) they are at school.
lend keep
How long can I (keep) the book? Two weeks.
Could you (lend) some paper to me?

第1个回答  2008-01-12
What's she doing (on ) vacation? 她假期在干些什么?
My friend si different ( from) me.说谁与谁不同要用介词from
Please put one slice of bread on the top (of ) another. 清放一片面包在另一片面包上。
He is the tallest ( in) our class. 同意范围内的比较比如说:在男生中,他是最高的,就用of,但是范围不同,还有女生以其作比较的话要用介词in.
He often goes to school (after ) having breakfast.<是before或after吗?have怎么要加ing?> t他通常吃早餐后才去学校,after在这里做为介词用的,介词后面的动词都要用ing形势的阿。have在这里是动词用的。
Japan is (to )the east of China.介词描述方位有口诀的:in内to外on交界 就是说在内部(比如说中国)就用in,而与中国接壤就用on不接壤在外部就用to根据地里知识日本应该是在中国之外的把,所以用to
Vegetables can help you to keep (in )good health.固定搭配吧。蔬菜帮你保持健康。
hard hardly
The bed was so ( hard) that it took me a long time to fall asleep.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)床是如此的硬以致我很久才入睡。
He can ( hardly ) speak English,can he?(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢) 他几乎不能说英语,不是吗?这是个反意疑问句。
take spend cost pay
The journey will ( cost) too much. 这趟旅程要花很多钱。
Will you lend me fifty yuan?I'll ( pay) you back next week.借我50块钱吧,我下周还你。
It (takes ) them over two years to build the bridge.他们花了两年时间来修这座桥。
He often ( spends) his spare time (in) helping his parents on the farm.<这道题书上那个in加了个括号,不知道是打错了还是怎么的,有可能多打了个括号吧) 他平时都在空余时间在农场帮助他父母。
a number of the number of
(a number of ) students in our school are from the town. 我们学校大多数学生都来自那个镇。
( the number of) students in his school is rising year by year.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢)他那所学校的学生一年年的毕业了。
join take part in
We ( took part in ) the meeting yesterday afternoon. 我们参加了昨天下午的会议。
He (joined ) the army after he graduated from middle school. 他一毕业就参军了。
finally at last in the end
He tired many times and (finally ) succeeded.(顺便解释下翻译,谢谢) 他尝试了很多次,最后终于成功了!finally就有经历了一翻努力才到后来的意思。
( at last) he finished the work and he could rest.最后他完成了工作,可以休息了。
They won (他们最后赢了。 ).
alive living
He is the finest ( ) pianist.
Who is the greatest man ( )?
practice exercise
Please do (exercise ) on the page 36.
You must (practice ) speaking English more.
maybe may be
The girl (maybe ) on the playground.
(may be ) they are at school.
lend keep
How long can I ( keep) the book? Two weeks.
Could you ( lend) some paper to me?
第2个回答  2008-01-12
Atlantic forest majors
southern the tallest

on (on vacation是词组,度假的意思)
from (be different from 与...不同)
of (on the top of 在...的上边)
in (他在我们班里是最高的)
after (他通常吃完早饭就去上学,after是介词,后面要跟名词,have加ing成了动名词,可以跟在介词后面)
to (日本不属于中国,所以不能用in,只能用to)
at (keep at sth.坚持某事)

hard 这张床很硬,我过了很久才睡得着.
hardly 他几乎不会说英语,对吗?
cost 这趟旅程花费太大了.
pay 你能借我50元吗?我下星期会还给你.
took 他们花费了两年多时间来建桥.
spends 他经常花时间帮助父母打理农场.in没打错,spend...(in)doing sth.是词组,in可省略
a number of 我们学校里一部分学生都来自城镇.
the number of 他学校里的学生人数每年都在上升.
took part in 我们昨天下午参加了会议.
joined 他中学毕业后就去了当兵.
finally 他尝试了很多次,终于成功了.
in the end 最后,他完成了工作,可以休息了.
at last 他们最终赢了.
living 他在在世的最好的画家.
alive 活着的最伟大的人是谁?
exercises 请做36页上的练习.
practice 你必须多练习说英语.
may be 那女孩可能在操场上.
Maybe 也许他们在学校.
keep 我能保留这本书多长时间? 两周.
lend 你能借几张纸给我吗?
第3个回答  2008-01-19
There are some kinds of sharks in the aquarium.
He wants to live in Beijing in the future.
He is good at English.He majors in English.
Guangdong is in (southern)<south> China.
Who is (the tallest)<tall> of the three?
What's she doing (on) vacation?
on vacation在假期间
My friend is different (from) me.
be different from与……不同
Please put one slice of bread on the top (of) another.
on the top of在……顶部
He is the tallest (in) our class.
in one’s class.在某人的班上
He often goes to school (after) having breakfast.
Japan is (to)the east of China.
Vegetables can help you to keep (in)good health.
keep in good health.保持健康
hard hardly
The bed was so (hard ) that it took me a long time to fall asleep.
He can (hardly) speak English,can he?
take spend cost pay
The journey will (cost) too much.
Will you lend me fifty yuan?I'll (pay) you back next week.
It (took) them over two years to build the bridge.
He often (spends) his spare time (in) helping his parents on the farm..
in的括号没打错,spend sb. time/money (in) doing sth.为固定用法
a number of the number of
(A number of) students in our school are from the town.
(A number of) students in his school is rising year by year.
join take part in
We (took part in ) the meeting yesterday afternoon.
He (joined ) the army after he graduated from middle school.
finally at last in the end
He tried many times and (at last ) succeeded.他尝试了很多次,最后成功了(tried打错了)
(Finally ) he finished the work and he could rest.
They won (in the end ).
alive living
He is the finest (living ) pianist.
Who is the greatest man (alive )?
practice exercise
Please do (exercises ) on the page 36.
You must (practice ) speaking English more.
maybe may be
The girl (may be ) on the playground.
(Maybe ) they are at school.
lend keep
How long can I (keep ) the book? Two weeks.
Could you (lend ) some paper to me?

第4个回答  2008-01-24
There are some kinds of sharks in the a( tlantic ).
He wants to live in Beijing in the f(uture ).
He is good at English.He m(ajors) in English.

Guangdong is in (southern )<south> China.
Who is ( the tallest )<tall> of the three?

What's she doing (on ) vacation? 渡假
My friend si different ( from) me. 与我不同
Please put one slice of bread on the top ( of) another.
He is the tallest ( in ) our class. 在全班之中
He often goes to school ( without) having breakfast.介词后面接doing.without为介词
Japan is ( to)the east of China.
Vegetables can help you to keep ( in)good health.

hard hardly
The bed was so ( hard) that it took me a long time to fall asleep.床太硬了,我花了很久才睡着.
He can ( hardly) speak English,can he?他几乎不会说英语

take spend cost pay
The journey will ( cost) too much.
Will you lend me fifty yuan?I'll ( pay) you back next week.
It ( take) them over two years to build the bridge.
He often ( spend ) his spare time (in) helping his parents on the farm. spend...(in)doing 为词组in 可加可不加

the number of a number of
(a number of ) students in our school are from the town. 看谓语这是are所以用a number of,我们班许多学生都来自镇上的.

(the number of ) students in his school is rising year by year.这里谓语是is,所以用the number of
join take part in
We ( take part in ) the meeting yesterday afternoon.
He ( join ) the army after he graduated from middle school.

finally at last in the end
He tired many times and ( finally) succeeded
( in the end ) he finished the work and he could rest.
They won (at last ).

alive living
He is the finest ( alive) pianist.
Who is the greatest man (living )?

practice exercise
Please do ( exercise ) on the page 36.
You must ( practice) speaking English more.

maybe may be
The girl (may be ) on the playground.
( maybe) they are at school.

lend keep
How long can I (keep ) the book? Two weeks.
Could you (lend ) some paper to me?